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Points Management

Data Manager

All independent points in Locus Map are managed in Points tab of the Data Manager. The Points tab can be accessed directly by:

  • Main menu > Points
  • Top panel > Data > Points Tab
  • Functions panel points button

Points Tab displays all folders and groups in a column. Each folder line consists of an icon, a folder name, number of visible/stored points and and action menu button.

Icon - tapping it opens an option to load all previously visible points or all points in the folder. Once all points were selected, it just switches between all visible/all invisible.

Folder name - tapping it unfolds the folder

action menu button:

  • Edit - here you can insert folder into a group if there is any created and edit folder icon, name and style on map
  • Import - adds new points into the folder by importing them
  • Export - exports all points in the folder, see more in Points Export
  • Delete - deletes whole folder

Each group line contains the group name and number of folders allocated in it.

Adding new points and folders

  • Add new point - adds a new point on the map, see more in Adding new points >>
  • Shoot a new point - turns the device camera on to take a picture and save as a new point, see more in Adding new points >>
  • Add new folder - points in Locus Map are stored in folders to group more points of similar topic in one place. Folders can be handled as one object and some operations can be performed only on points in one folder. Sorting them, filtering them etc.
    • Icon&name - here the folder icon and name is set. There is a wide selection of Locus and Garmin styled icons available for precise distinguishing of folders
    • Style on map - sets the behavior of this folder points information labels/screens on the map
      • Global settings - the point labels/screens behavior submits global settings made in Map Objects Features
      • Never - points information labels/screens are activated only by tapping the points
      • On hover - points display the label when aimed by the map screen center cross
      • Always - points always display the label

Top panel menu

  • Groups - folders can be further structured into groups. Tap to create a new group. After creating it you can rename or delete it in the same window.Groups are available only in Locus Map Pro version
  • Deselect all - quickly deselects (makes them invisible on the map) all selected points across all folders (it deselects tracks as well as this menu is common for both categories)
  • Import - launches Locus Map simplified file manager for points import, see more in Points Import.
  • User guide - launches a relevant chapter of the User guide.

Points Folder

After tapping a folder the points display in a vertical list. The topbar displays visible/total number of points. Each line consists of:

  • icon - either the same as the folder in case the point is created by you or different in case the point is imported
  • point name - tapping it opens a point detail screen
  • bearing and distance to the point from current map screen center
  • “eye” button - switches point in/visibility on the map - visible points are highlighted blue

Points list bottom panel

The bottom bar contains following controls:

  • Add new point - opens a dialog screen to add a new point, see more in Adding new points<html><br><br></html>
  • Multi-point display selector - multi-selection of points to display or apply tools at:
    • Hide all - makes all points in the folder invisible on the map
    • First X points - shows a predefined number of first points in the list (50, 100, 200… points)
    • Show all - makes all points in the folder visible on the map
    • Invert - inverts current selection, useful when you want to select almost all points except some. Select those and then invert the selection.

  • Sort by button:
    • Sort by name - sorts points alphabetically
    • Sort by distance - sorts points by distance from actual map screen center (actual GPS position in case it is fixed and centered)
    • Sort by creation date - sorts points by their creation date/time
    • Sort by last update - sorts points by the date/time of their last update
    • Reverse sorting - switches sorting into reverse mode<html><br><br></html>

      Geocaching - folders with geocaches contain this option for further sorting methods, see more in Geocaching

  • Filter button - opens a filter dialog window. Its topbar contains filter-applying button and a menu offering showing the filtering result in the map and clearing the filter. The filter dialog window content then changes according to the type of points the folder contains but basic categories are as follows:
    • Name - filtering based on a given string of characters - fulltext check
    • Icon - displays all kinds of icons in the folder. Set the filter by un/checking them.
    • Max. distance - filters points according to maximum distance from current map screen center.
    • Invert the filter - inverts the filter settings<html><br><br></html>

      Geocaching tab - contains further filtration methods, see more in Geocaching

  • Tools button - changes the top and bottom bars and displays other controls:
    • top panel - displays number of selected points to apply tools to, sort-by button and confirmation button
    • bottom panel:
      • copy to - copies selected points to different folders
      • move to - moves selected points to different folders
      • export - exports selected points (see more in Points Export)
      • delete - deletes selected points
      • other controls:
        • fill altitude - fills altitude for selected points on map
        • change icons - changes icons of selected points
        • Earth - exports selected points into Google Earth if it is installed on the same device
        • a few geocaching tools if the folder contains geocaches, see more in Geocaching
      • - cancels Tools menu screen

Point Map Label

After tapping the point on the map a label appears. It contains the point name, distance from current position, a thumbnail of attached image (if there is any) and “more options” button:

  • Navigate to - opens the navigation dialog to calculate route to the point. See more in Navigation.
  • Compass - opens the compass screen and starts guiding to the point showing its azimuth and distance
  • Guide on - starts guiding to the point. See more in Guidance
  • Hide - hides the point from the map

Tapping the label launches the Point Detail Screen:

Point Detail Screen

The point detail screen is divided into a few sections:

  • top panel with the point name
  • basic info tab that contains:
    • map preview of the point. Tapping it switches into the map screen with the point in the middle. The map preview can be switched off by tapping an arrow in the bottom right corner.
    • point folder icon and name
    • point coordinates and a new-coords selector switch
    • description, date of creation, address, altitude, links, phone etc.
  • attachment tab - contains associated files. To add some, tap the button in the topbar:
    • take a photo - takes a picture with your phone or tablet camera
    • select a photo - selects a photo in your phone memory - the attached photo can be used as the point icon - tap the menu next to the photo and select Set as icon
    • record an audio - makes a voice recording by the phone or tablet microphone
    • shoot a video - makes a video recording by the phone/tablet camera
    • select a video - selects a video in your phone memory
    • select other files - selects other files in your phone memory to attach to the point
  • bottom panel:
    • map switch - centers the map at the point
    • navigation button:
      • navigate to - opens the navigation dialog to calculate route to the point. See more in Navigation.
      • compass - opens the compass screen and starts guiding to the point showing its azimuth and distance
      • guide on - starts guiding to the point. See more in Guidance
    • add-ons, 3rd party apps - opens a menu of installed add-ons and cooperating 3rd party apps that can process the point - navigate to it, display it on a map etc.

      Android OS offers an internal system where each application “registers itself” as a receiver of certain information - in this case coordinates. Locus Map tests all applications in your device and if they are able to receive coordinates they are listed in this menu.

  • point management button - offers editing, copying, moving, hiding, exporting, sharing, deleting and adding the point to NFC tag (see more in NFC manager)
manual/user_guide/points/management.1446814943.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/06 13:02 (external edit)