Translations by
Locus Map has been translated into many World languages. The translating process is provided by crowdsourcing project and helpful users in many countries. Anybody who is willing to help with translations is welcome!
Many ideas that move Locus Map forward are coming from its users. The place where they offer and store the ideas is Locus Map HELPDESK >>.
The ideas there collect VOTES from other users and largely influence the working plan of Menion, the main developer.
The way how to post the ideas is explained in the chapter about contacting Locus Team.
Keep in mind that number of votes is just one of many factors influencing implementing the ideas. Among others:
TTS (Text To Speech) files are used for voice navigation or training voice notifications. The main problem of TTS is correct spelling of numbers. To make it work at 100% Menion created a system where all texts are stored in text files in usable format prepared for reading.
In English it's not so bad, there are only one/first, but for example in Czech, there are four possibilities jeden/jednu/první/prvním. So this file may contain arrays names numbers_NX where X is 1 - 5. You may then use these numbers in action texts.
The format of this file is JSON. It's a little bit complicated to write but much easier to read and work with.
If you want to translate TTS to language that you don't find on the Google Drive, write us and we'll gladly add it.