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Training Manager

Limited use in Locus Map Free - only one training scheme possible

Training manager enables you to define workout audio coaching schemes that can be triggered together with track recording. You can define distance or time intervals in which Locus informs you about your distance, track time, average speed and heart rate.

How to set up a new training

  • go to Settings > Track recording > Training manager
  • tap and insert name of the training scheme. Change the icon if necessary.
  • your training appears in the training list. Tap its menu and select Setup events
  • tap again and select distance or time notification
  • define the distance or time interval and add variables - distance, track time, average speed and heart rate (if proper sensor is connected). You can combine both intervals - distance and time and assign different variables to them and tailor the training scheme to your personal needs.
  • go back to the training manager and tap the scheme you want to activate - it highlights <html><font color=“red”>red</font></html>

Automatic training start

It is possible to join a particular training scheme to a particular recording profile and start both at once.

  • go to Settings > Track recording > Recording profiles
  • select recording profile > profile settings menu > Training auto-start
  • select training scheme from the box
  • your selected training scheme name and icon appears in the settings and the auto-start is set

Sound settings

Training manager uses default TTS (text-to-speech) engine of your device. If you need to change language or TTS engine, you can set it up directly from the training manager topbar menu: More about text-to-speech settings in Locus >>

manual/user_guide/tracks/recording/trainingmanager.1473775530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/13 16:05 by mstupka