Translations by gtranslate.io
Routes are strings of routepoints along which user is guided or navigated during his activity - hiking, biking etc.
Routes are pre-planned, drawn on maps or imported and put into navigation devices so that we can travel along their lines. Tracks that were recorded by you or someone else can be turned into routes when we need to navigate them.
Routes can be drawn manually on the map or automatically by an online routing service, offline routing app, PC software or web application. Locus Map provides several methods of creating routes:
This tool can be switched on several ways:
The line between points stretches straight in case of manual drawing or runs along roads and paths in case of automatic drawing.
Download and install free co-application BRouter. Download also offline routing data of the area you are planning the route through. BRouter appears among other routing services in Locus navigation settings. Set it as default.
The route is built by shaping points added on map:
The route line, rendered between shaping points, contains also segment points . Both shaping and segment points can be moved on map and the route is immediately re-rendered accordingly. By moving a segment point you change it into a shaping point and new segment points are created in between.
NEVER place the shaping points on intersections! The router needs to know the direction after the turn so that it can add the proper navigation command to it.
Via points are places you want to go through when navigating the route - the voice navigation will notify you of them and in case of route recalculation the via points are not detoured.
Via points can be created out of shaping points:
By moving a via point on map in route planner it changes back to a shaping point.
LoMap dynamic points of interest can be added to your route too:
Your own interesting places or downloaded geocaches can be added to your route:
Define a new point by an address, coordinates, projection etc. and add it to your route.
If you know a place an route you can not go through but which is not reflected by the map or routing data - e.g. temporary road block, wood harvesting in the forest, flooded area etc., tell route planner to avoid it.
If you changed your mind and you want to use a different activity for a part of the planned route, OR the automatically drawn segment doesn't suit your purposes, you can recalculate it:
You can also recalculate the whole planned route for a different activity.
The time is calculated from a combination of various parameters. These include distance, elevation profile, estimated speed, estimated elevation gain/loss per hour or a certain amount of break time specific for particular activities.
You can start navigation along the planned route right from the route planner:
When you are done with all edits, save your route!
If you are dissatisfied with your planning or for whatever reason want to abort all planning, tap Clear planner in the route menu:
“Clear planner” does NOT erase No-go areas. These are kept active even out of route planner, e.g. for navigation. To delete them, tap each no-go area and delete them individually by
Route menu contains a submenu of setting options:
Color, width, pattern and other graphical aspects of the route line can be set here:
In order to avoid too steep hills you can set route color to dynamic slope style and define unacceptable range of the slope angle, i.e. 10%-30%. Locus will highlight such places for you:
so you can re-plan the route:
By default, route planner retains your unsaved plan and offers to continue your work on it when restarted:
If you want a new route plan each time you use the planner, uncheck the option.
To turn off adding shaping points by tapping the map screen, uncheck this option.
Do you want to measure area of your property? Check this option, Locus will color the area on map and display the area value in the bottom bar:
Measuring areas works correctly in manual mode only!
Tracks can be turned into routes when they are intended for navigation or guidance: