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Backup Manager


  • Menu > More functions > Backup Manager

The Backup Manager enables one-time backup of all settings and important data in Locus Map or defines periodic automatic backups. The manager is also useful when transferring the application from one device to another.

Manual Backup

  • Backup all - enables immediate one-time backup of all settings, points, tracks and other important data into one package. The time stamp is default as the package name but it is possible to change it. The package is stored into Locus/Backup directory.
  • Backup settings only - creates the settings backup package. Useful if you use various properties sets.
  • Restore - shows the last backup file content - user can select whole package or only a part to recover.

Automatic Backup

Depending on previous settings there is initial Enable option to start the automatic backup or if the automatic backup has been set before, there are Edit and Cancel options:

  • Next backup - date and time of the next backup
  • Notification - check to let yourself be informed about the backup processed
  • Repeat - repetition settings - frequency and number of stored backup files
  • Set/cancel - confirms or aborts the action
manual/user_guide/tools/backup.1447156494.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/10 11:54 (external edit)