Translations by
Sets default action after tapping a point on the map:
Labels on map:
Elevation value - elevation on the location of the point:
(based on offline elevation data)
Available switches:
Geocaching switches:
Displays a group symbol in higher map zooms on places with high density of selected points of interest for better map readability:
When creating a new user point on map, use one of following default methods of location:
Allows to prevent importing identical points of interest, including geocaches. You can select if to check all imported caches or only caches in selected folders.
Sets size of icons on the map from 50 to 300% of a normal size:
Sets default action after tapping a track:
Labels on map - sets type of the label at a track starting point:
Distance to GPS, recorded time - more optional values
Trackpoint (particular spot on track) switches:
Track switches:
Select graphic symbols at start/stop of active tracks:
Default graphic settings of all tracks and routes across the whole app. More info >>
Allow to overwrite files that have been already exported.