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Locus Store - User Profile

As any other internet shop also Locus Store is associated with the user through a user profile. The profile stores information about user's credit, downloads, purchasing history, and allows to buy LoCoins or use a Voucher. Locus Store is connected to your Google account and all payments are processed through Google Play Store (even if you downloaded Locus Map from another source).

User Profile Panel

  • Menu > Store > Top bar > User profile button <html><br><br></html>
  • user's Google avatar, name, e-mail and current LoCoins credit
  • Purchase LoCoins - opens offer of LoCoin packets, see LoCoins >>
  • Use Voucher - your credit can be charged also by a voucher that you may receive in various promo actions. Also a particular product can be delivered through a voucher. This is the place where you insert the voucher unique code to get the benefits included. The vouchers are sent via e-mail.
  • Ongoing downloads - opens a list of currently downloaded products
  • Check for updates - list of maps to update
  • My history
    • LoCoins income - history of your LoCoin bundle purchases
    • Locus Store purchases - a list of your previously purchased products
manual/user_guide/locus_store/user_profile.1430144791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/27 16:26 (external edit)