Translations by gtranslate.io
You, our users or customers, are associated with Locus Store via a user profile. Here you are identified via your Google or Facebook accounts and all your payments (LoCoin purchases) are processed via Google Play or Amazon Underground.
The profile stores information about you and your activities in Store:
Through your user profile you can buy LoCoins or use a Voucher to get them for free. Here you can monitor your ongoing downloads, check if there are updates of your products available.
You can also change your account here.
Is required only once - at your first visit of Locus Store profile. It is processed via Google or Facebook accounts installed in your device or you can log in with an email:
Next time the authentication dialog does not appear.
Opens offer of LoCoin packets you can purchase for your local currency:
More info about LoCoins >>
Voucher is a kind of reward you can get in competitions or promo actions on social networks or on Locus website. It can be used to increase your LoCoin credit or to get a particular product for free.
This is the place where you insert the voucher unique code to get the benefits included:
The vouchers are sent via e-mail.
Tap here to open a list of currently downloaded products. The same screen can be displayed in the Notification center.
Here you can check if some of your purchased or downloaded products (maps, guides etc.) has been updated:
Here you can check history of all your activity in Locus Store - statuses of transactions, LoCoin credits, rewards for recommending Locus to others and subscriptions of services and features:
History of your purchases of products - maps, routes, points or features:
History of all your LoCoin acquisitions - purchases, gifts, vouchers or rewards for recommending Locus:
List of all recommendations you sent including rewards:
History of all your subscriptions of products, services and features. Here you can subscribe again or cancel ongoing subscriptions:
Direct access to history of all your subscriptions of products, services and features. Here you can subscribe again or cancel ongoing subscriptions:
Here you can cancel current authentication of your Locus Store profile. When you enter Locus Store again you will be prompted to authenticate again - with the same or with another account.
We do not recommend changing accounts!
If you have made any map/LoCoin purchases with your actual account: