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Map Screen Settings

Menu > Settings > Map - control&panels > Map screen

Use Hardware Buttons

Volume controlling hardware buttons can be used to zoom the map.

Phones with hardware or Bluetooth keyboard can be also controlled by letters C - map centering, D - display, G - GPS, arrow buttons - map shift, +/- - zooming.

There is no need to take your gloves off on cold days!

If checked, long-tap any place on the map, Locus Map will try to provide postal or regional address of the place.

Map control mode

Select mode of basic map controlling - either Locus Map mode (double tap showing hidden menu…) or Google Maps mode - double tap = zoom in, two fingers tap = zoom out, three fingers tap = hidden menu etc.

Simple multi-touch

Check if you prefer to disable rotation and panning of the map when pinch-zooming.

Shift map screen center

It moves the map screen center down by 1/4 of the screen. Functional only with the map rotation on. Useful especially for guiding.

Hold map screen center

If you shift the map out of your current position when browsing it, this function centers it back on current GPS location after 5 secs of inactivity.

manual/user_guide/maps_settings/screen.1435326808.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/26 15:53 by mstupka