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Point alert


This feature is available in Locus Map Pro only

What is it for?

This feature notifies you (with beeping, a custom sound, vibration or a voice phrase) when a point from a selected group is nearby (in the defined distance). Thanks to it, you don't have to check on the map all the time for geocaches near your hiking route, for example.

How to set it up?

1. Select points

  • open Folders tab
  • check the folder with points you want to be notified of:
    pic poialert3

2. Set distance and alarm frequency

  • open Basic tab
  • set parameters:
    pic poialert

3. Set type of notification

  • open Notification tab
  • choose beeping, custom sound, voice phrase (text to speech) or vibration - you can define your own vibration pattern

Point alert dialog

The dialog window is divided into three tabs:

Basic tab

  • Distance - sets the distance in meters from a defined point to trigger the alert
  • Type of notification - check to switch sound/vibration notifications on/off (visual notification on map stays on) and select between two types:
    • Notify once - the alert goes on only once
    • Notify until stopped - notification repeats in defined intervals until abolished manually (press STOP on screen) or out of predefined distance from the POI.
  • Pause between notifications - relevant for “notify until stopped” - sets the interval in seconds

Notification tab

  • Settings of sound
    • Disable - all sounds are disabled, notification is made by the device screen and vibrator only
    • Beep - notification by a beeping sound. It is possible to set number of beeps (1-10)
    • Choose sound - select any sound stored in your device memory
    • Text-to-speech - enables voice notifications rendered from predefined text commands

Tap Play to check your sound settings.

  • Settings of vibration - visible only when the device is equipped by a vibrator (mainly mobile phones)
    • Disable - the device does not vibrate on notifications
    • Pattern - sets notification vibrating pattern, using three symbols: '.' for 200 miliseconds vibration, '-' for 500 miliseconds vibration and ' ' (space) for 500 miliseconds of silence.

Tap Play to check your vibration settings.

Folders tab

This tab specifies which points you will be notified of. Displays all folders form your Data manager Points tab:

  • topbar - contains button to select all folders in the points tab
  • list of folders - check/uncheck folders on which you will be alerted

Instructions of use

  • Make necessary settings and tap OK button in topbar

When the point alert function is on an icon in the system topbar indicates its activity and the information on the set distance.

  • if you select Notify once method, you will be notified only once of the selected point. The feature remains active.
  • if you select Notify until stopped the notification will repeat in time intervals until you stop it manually tapping the STOP button on your screen. The function remains active
  • POI alert not only makes sound and vibration alert but also highlights affected points to distinguish easily which points you are alerted of
  • to stop or edit point alert function, go to Menu > More functions > point alert again and select Cancel or Edit.

Point alert does not notify of LoPoints.

manual/user_guide/functions/poi_alert.1581072079.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/07 10:41 (external edit)