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Locus translation

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Crowdin is not able to handle Android plural system correctly. So you're directly translating XML source file instead of texts itself.

There is also not possible to define by your own, which “quantity” identifiers you need, so as you can see, I had to define all six possibilities, even if they're often same. But they're not of course same in all languages

What “quantity” mean is in below table. Complete description is here if you're interested


          <tr><th>Value</th><th width="500px">Description</th></tr>
            <td><code>zero</code></td><td>When the language requires special treatment of the number 0 (as in Arabic).</td>
            <td><code>one</code></td><td>When the language requires special treatment of numbers like one (as with the number 1 in English and most other languages; in Russian, any number ending in 1 but not ending in 11 is in this class).</td>
            <td><code>two</code></td><td>When the language requires special treatment of numbers like two (as in Welsh).</td>
            <td><code>few</code></td><td>When the language requires special treatment of "small" numbers (as with 2, 3, and 4 in Czech; or numbers ending 2, 3, or 4 but not 12, 13, or 14 in Polish).</td>
            <td><code>many</code></td><td>When the language requires special treatment of "large" numbers (as with numbers ending 11-99 in Maltese).</td>
            <td><code>other</code></td><td>When the language does not require special treatment of the given quantity.</td>


manual/about/translation.1432216912.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/21 16:01 by mstupka