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Munzee for Locus Map


  • download from Google Play
  • Munzee is a scavenger hunt game of the new generation. This add-on displays Munzees on map, Munzee details, hunters' details and users can comment on Munzees.
  • after installation it can be started from Menu > More functions > Munzee (in the add-ons section)

All add-ons need to be connected to Locus Map. Switch the connection ON in Locus settings > Miscellaneous > Connect with add-ons.

Instructions of Use

  1. tap Munzee button in Menu > More functions > Munzee (in the add-ons section) or in the left Actions panel
  2. enter your login and allow Locus Map access to Munzee
  3. check display on map and close the dialog
  4. Munzees display on your map
  5. clicking unfolds a quick menu for navigation, guiding and compass

Basic Info

  • tapping on a Munzee icon opens a Munzee detail window. The Basic info tab displays the Munzee coordinates, number of captures, date of deployment, name of creator and other information
  • clicking button in the lower left corner launches the Munzee official app to capture the found Munzee

    If you do not have the official Munzee app installed you will be re-directed to Google Play to install it. Capturing Munzees without the official app is not possible.

  • other buttons have the same functions as for ordinary POI


  • Logs tab displays logs of the Munzee. Tapping a particular log opens a menu offering display of the logging user profile and sending a message over the website
  • tapping adds a new comment:
    • general comment
    • unable to locate
    • needs repair

manual/user_guide/add-ons/munzee.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/29 12:17 by mstupka