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The dashboard is a unique solution for displaying additional information (digit and charts) above the map. It is useful for sports tracking, geocaching, navigation etc. The layer is touch-insensitive but it can contain some action buttons too - e.g. track recording controls.
There are several pre-set dashboards for direct use. All of them can be modified, others can be downloaded and it is possible to create new dashboards from scratch.
By default, the feature can be accessed from Menu > More functions > Dashboard but we strongly recommend to add dashboard button to Functions panel for fast switch on/off.
Changes of settings, renaming, deleting and other edits are done in the Dashboard editor
Tap a field to add its content. Select source box offers two tabs of functions:
When you select an item, it appears in the selected field.
To change the style of the item, add fields or delete them, tap the active field. A toolbox opens:
Fields can be drag-dropped to change position.
It is not always necessary to create a new dashboard from scratch. You can edit an already existing one and use it as a template.
The principle of editing is the same as when creating a new dashboard but the main layout and some formatting is already done. Just select a dashboard that suits your needs the best from offered themes:
Then you can edit it, overwrite it and/or select Save as… to create a new theme.