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Items Management

Data Manager

Items are managed in Items tab of the Data Manager:

  • Main screen > Top Panel > Data manager > Items tab
  • Main Menu > Data > Items tab

Top panel

  • …. Clear - removes all temporary items from map. Even those that are not listed in the Items tab (imported with Only display option checked). This button can be inserted in Function panel for quick use
  • …. Add - opens Locus file manager to copy selected items into the MapItems directory - items working folder potřeba dodělat v app

Items management screen

Contains list of folders with items beginning with the main working folder MapItems. When there are no items in this folder, then the list is empty. Subordinate folders queue bellow. Some subfolders create automatically during a particular process, e.g. linking files from certain web service clients. Some subfolders have to be created externally in a file manager of the device.

Items list

  • icon - indicates format of the item (only supported formats - tracks&points - are visible)
  • item file name including suffix
  • action menu:
    • Details - displays item basic info screen - filename, size, date, description if there is any etc.
    • Import - launches import of the item, as it is described here >> or here >>. After the import the item's content does not function as an autonomous object, it is implemented in the application data manageable in the Data manager Points or Tracks tabs.
    • Delete - removes the item from the MapItems directory and from the items list
manual/user_guide/items/management.1429247910.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/17 07:18 by mstupka