Translations by gtranslate.io
Standard voice navigation as you know it from your car or other applications.
Firstly, you have to tell Locus where you want to go.
The simplest and fastest (and the least accurate) way.
When you need accurate or special definition of your target location, use location selector:
Use e.g. in case you want to navigate to some geocache from your database:
Similar to the first method but now you select directly some point of interest:
When you start navigation next time, just select the target from the grid.
Starting point of your route can be re-defined too, just tap next to it and select location method.
You can insert up to three places you do not want to miss on your route:
If you need more sophistically planned route, use Locus Route Planner!
Next step is to choose sports activity or means of transport an route (aka navigation profile). The selection depends on used routing services.
Additional settings of GraphHopper profiles are relevant only to the 'car' profile.
This service has no additional settings.
Offline navigation and route planning in Locus is possible thanks to a free cooperating app BRouter:
BRouter offers much more sophisticated profile settings. Not only you can add more conditions relevant to various means of transport,
you can also change the profile selection:
After tapping the START button, the navigation panel and control menu are displayed:
More here >>
Show more button displays further setting options:
Go to the 'Recently used' tab. Tap one of the routes, select between navigation and guidance and tap to start.
If you want to delete the navigation history list, tap red .