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I need to use Locus Map Pro on a different phone or tablet. Do I have to buy Locus Map Pro again?

No, you don't.

Your purchase of Locus Map pro is associated with your Google Play Store (or Amazon) account, NOT with your phone or tablet.

  • Add the Google Play (or Amazon) account, which you used for purchasing Locus Pro, into your mobile phone.
  • Install Locus from your store. No price tag is displayed by the app, just Install button.

Should you have any difficulties, please contact us via Inform us also about the details of the account, through which you have purchased the application. We will check the status of your purchase.

manual/faq/new_device_do_i_have_to_pay_again.1601647607.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/02 16:06 (external edit)