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Why Locus loses fixed GPS location or is killed by OS in standby mode

More and more users have been reporting issues with losing GPS signal during track recording when their device goes stand by even in case Locus is set NOT to switch GPS off in stand-by mode (when the display goes off). Some devices even kill Locus completely. All of these reports regard devices running on Android 5+.

System battery optimization mode

The most probable reason of this is some kind of battery saving mode or other performance optimizing setting in your device. The mode can be named differently depending on the device manufacturer. The battery saving modes prevent the device from connecting to networks and switch off your device sensors including GPS unit - this setting overrides Locus settings.

If you experience any loss of GPS signal in stand-by mode, please check your device battery saving or optimization settings. Either switch the saving mode completely or make an exclusion for Locus if it is possible.

Here are a few device specific instructions:


Standard/Extreme Power Saving Mode - switch it OFF


  • Android 6 - (Ultra) Power Saving Mode, System Optimizing - settings > battery > battery use > “next” button in topbar > battery use optimization > click on “Apps are not optimized” and select “All apps” and here finally find Locus Map and switch the optimization OFF for it.
  • Android 7: settings > device maintenance > battery > Power saving mode OFF (adding Locus among “unmonitored apps” does not help - system switches GPS off)


Settings > Apps > Advanced > Ignore optimizations > All apps > disable optimizations for Locus Map


Do not use STAMINA mode.


Switch Battery saver, battery optimization of or exclude Locus from its activity.


  • Android older than 6.0 - turn Standard/Advanced Power Saving Mode OFF
  • Android 6+ (MIUI 8) - Optimization > Battery > Battery saving > OFF; Optimization > Battery > Applications > select Locus Map > turn OFF all limitations; Optimization > Automatic start management > select Locus Map; Settings > More settings > For developers > turn OFF RAM optimization; lock Locus Map in RAM when you want to use it in background: start Locus Map > minimize it > open RAM manager > drag Locus icon downwards and tap the lock icon.

Some devices (e.g. Motorola) enable excluding location service from battery optimization.

Battery optimization apps

There are also third-party apps that can maintain your battery optimization and may kill Locus or GPS unit.


Greenify has some special settings (labeled experimental), that enhance new Android 6 power saving strategies. These power saving strategies are labeled “shallow hibernation” and “aggressive doze”. The “aggressive doze” mode contains also a white list of apps that are excluded from the mode and Locus is likely to be put here for the above mentioned reasons. Unfortunately, this white listing does not work. After 5 minutes after your device enters doze mode Locus track recording is killed. Therefore, we recommend not to use this aggressive mode or the app as a whole.

Universal solution?

Memory Locker

Recently we discovered an application that can lock Locus (and other apps of your choice) in your device RAM. It's called Memory Locker and is available at Google Play Store. We have tested only a few devices with this app and it looks promising. However, as this is a third party app, we have no responsibility for nor influence on the app performance.

GPS Locker

This app is able to lock system GPS ON so that the operation system can not kill it - we recommend in cases Locus loses GPS signal in standby mode and none of previously mentioned methods helped. The app is available at Google Play Store >>

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manual/faq/gps_lost_fix_android6.1502861862.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/16 07:37 by mstupka