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Accepted payment methods

Payment methods that we accept via the Google Wallet:

Credit card

  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Master Card
  • American Express (USA)
  • Discoved (USA only)
  • JCB (Japan and USA)

The types of cards accepted through the Google Wallet may vary according to the location.

Direct carrier billing

With some types of equipment and rates you can pay for the application purchase by means of the operator invoicing. Should you have any questions concerning the usage of operator invoicing on the Google Play, please contact your mobile service provider (in the Czech Republic, this service is provided by T-mobile only) for help with the following topics:

  • Setting up your device to operator invoicing
  • Spending limits for the Google Play purchases

Here you find a list of carriers who accept this payment method >>

Prepaid or gift cards

You can buy credit for Google Play from one of Google's retail partner and then redeem it on Google Play site. Please check if Gift Cards are available in your country >>


PayPal can be used for purchase of applications in the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the United States, the United Kingdom

Payment methods that we do not accept

  • Wire transfers
  • Bank transfers
  • Western Union
  • Money Gram
  • Any escrow type of payment

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manual/faq/accepted_payments.1486460649.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/07 09:44 (external edit)