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How to convert IMG maps to SQL

How to

This is one of possible working and tested methods of conversion of IMG map files to one of formats that Locus supports (within some limits).

What you need

  • IMG map file you want to convert
  • MapEdit++ software
  • MAPC2MAPC software
  • some free time


1. convert IMG to image format (BMP)

  1. start MapEdit++ program (Instructions based on v1.061.496)
  2. select FileOpen and choose your IMG map file. It will take some time, till program analyzes and loads whole map file.
  3. now it depends if you want to export whole IMG map file to Locus Map or just a part of it.
    • whole - easier, nothing special to prepare
    • part - it's necessary to find top-left and bottom-right coordinates of area you want to export. At the bottom of screen you can see current coordinates of your center cross, so I suggest to write on paper these two required locations!
  4. now zoom to level you want to have exported (only one zoom level may be exported, so choose precisely)
  5. select FileExportRaster image
    • define path where you want to export the *.bmp file
    • select Create OZI map file
    • define path where you want to export the *.map file
    • in Rectangle to export press Set whole map or Set custom if you want export just part of map
    • Scale cannot be changed and tilling is not needed here, so press Finish.
  6. that's all here, let's go to another part!

2. convert OZI map to SQLite map

  1. start MAPC2MAPC program (Instructions based on v499)
  2. select FileOpen Calibration and choose your *.map file
  3. program will load this calibration file and print out some results
  4. select FileWrite Mobile Atlas
    • in Select atlas choose Locus/RMAPS/… item
    • zoom levels should leave as is. MAPC2MAPC automatically create some zoom levels for you from that one bitmap image
    • if you need to specify some tiles and want transparent margins, select checkboxes below
    • after selection, press OK and … wait …

3. Result

Result of this procedure should *.sqlite map file. Simply put this map file into Locus/maps directory on your device and start Locus. It should load this map and allow you to select it in Map Managerscreen

manual/advanced/convert_img_to_sql.1441194849.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/02 13:54 (external edit)