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New Content Providers

Basic information

Locus Store can be simply described as an e-commerce system. Locus users can download different data in order to use them in Locus Map app. These data can be in various forms (maps, POIs, tracks, etc…). Users can get data for free or for a fee – it depends on requirements of the data provider. So if you want to provide your data in Locus Store, please send us your application with following information:

What We need to know:

Provider information

  • Name of the provider
  • Provider icon - best is a semi-transparent 64x64px PNG image

Item information

  • Form of data - what form can your data be distributed in? In form of a file/package? Is it some online service?
  • Name of the item
  • Icon of the item - can be similar as the provider icon. Again, best is a semi-transparent 64x64px PNG format
  • Images - prepare at least 3 images (PNG format) or screenshots that describe the data the best. Recommended resolution is about 1280 x 720 px (it does not need to fit exactly).
  • HTML description - what kind of data is provided
  • Countries or region - definition of the area covered by the item (in case of maps) or of the country where the item can be used (optional parameter)
  • Usage - what is the purpose of the data usage? Are the data useful for hiking, cycling, sailing or different activity?
  • GeoJson of the item area (optional) - similar to the region parameter. In case the map covers some specific area we are able to show coverage on map and the user can select the item for purchase directly on map. Simplified GeoJson about 50 - 100 points is preferred.
  • Data itself and your wish where data should be stored.
    • Our storage – we use Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 service.
    • On your side – so data have to be available via generated link for downloading

How can users purchase the data?

All items in Locus Store can be purchased for our internal virtual currency LoCoins. Users can get LoCoins for real money via Google in app billing (we’re planning to add support for PayPal payments, etc.). Approximate price of 100 LoCoins is 1 euro + VAT. More info here >>

The purchase itself can be performed in three different ways:

  • Pay for one package – it’s like e-commerce system. The user selects one item (for example one package of map), pays for it and Locus Map downloads it. If the item is purchased the user can repeatedly download this package for free for one year.
  • Subscription – useful for some services. Users pay once per month/year some fee and get “unlimited” access to your data. Parameters of this “unlimited” access is just on you.
  • Pay as you go – LocusMap uses this method for downloading specific areas of tiled maps. Users select area they want to download. Locus Map computes the number of tiles and based on the price of a single tile the price of the whole package is calculated. This approach can be customized according to your requirements. For example online access would be free (maps cached just for a few hours), and every download would be paid.


Basically it depends on how much time and work you want to put into security. Because it could be quite specific, feel free to ask us.


Please feel free to contact us with any question about Locus Store on We can prepare individual model to fit your data or requirements.

manual/about/add_new_content.1441960591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/11 10:36 (external edit)