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GPS & Location

Global settings

Run at startup<html><br></html> Sets the way GPS turns on at Locus Map startup:

  • Always - GPS turns on always when Locus Map is started
  • Previous state - GPS turns on or stays off according to last Locus Map session
  • Never - GPS never turns on at Locus Map start

Altitude manager<html><br></html> Sets options to improve altitude measurement. More about it here » altitude manager

Notification settings

Position acquired<html><br></html> Notifies user of the GPS acquiring location of the device.

Position lost<html><br></html> Notifies user of the GPS having lost location of the device.

Disable/enable GPS

Disable when hidden<html><br></html> Disables GPS when the screen is turned off or the app is minimized and GPS is not required by any other function

Track recording<html><br></html> Keeps GPS on during the track recording even if the app is minimized, screen is off and the recording paused.

Guiding<html><br></html> Keeps GPS on during guiding even if the app is minimized and screen is off.

Bluetooth GPS

Bluetooth GPS<html><br></html> Launches the Bluetooth manager to enable GPS from a bluetooth device instead of the internal GPS. The advantage is better GPS accuracy and lower phone battery consumption.

manual/user_guide/settings/gps.1423673293.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/11 16:48 (external edit)