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Points Export

What is export for?

Points are exported to another mobile, to a desktop application or web service for further processing - displaying in a different environment, background, for editing etc.


1. Select point/s

Single point

  • Points manager - select folder > tap the point to open its detail > “more options” > export
  • Map screen - tap the point on map > tap its label to open its detail > “more options” > export

Group of points

  • Multiple points - Points manager > open folder > tools > check points you want to export > export
  • Whole folder - Points manager > folder action menu > export

2. Set parameters and export

  • Export format of the file is at the very top of the dialog. By tapping it you can change it into another one:

    (only some file formats can be selected. The dialog is common with the track export so it contains also track file formats and web services. None of them accepts points)

  • Export name - the name of the export file, usually pre-filled according to the point/folder name. Can be edited.
  • Export path - define where to save the exported file. You can select local memory, Dropbox or Google Drive (both apps must be installed first).
  • Parameters - change according to selected export format:
    • GPX - GPS eXchange format is an XML based text format used for handling points, tracks, and routes. Locus fully supports all valid tags. A more detailed description of GPX format is available on this Wikipedia page.
      • Export only visible - exports only points actually visible on the map
      • Share exported data - enables to share the export file in Dropbox or other services available in your device
      • Incl. description&attachments - adds icons, generated descriptions and attachments and exports them into a subfolder
      • GPX version - optional setting for experienced GPS device users
    • KML/KMZ - Keyhole Markup Language is XML based plain text format with a really wide range of usage. Since the version 2.2 KML format is standardized by OGC so it is used by many web/desktop/mobile applications as well as by Locus Map. It is usable for export of both points and tracks.
      • parameters are identical to GPX export but one:
      • Incl. descriptions&attachments - enables packing data into one KMZ file - icons, photos etc.
    • CSV - (Comma Separated Values) is a common, universal and relatively simple file format that is widely supported by many applications. Usable for export of both points and tracks. Parameters are just Export visible and Share.
    • DXF - (Drawing eXchange Format) - comes from CAD software. Usable for export of both points and tracks. Except for already mentioned parameters, it enables to:
      • Display altitude - displays altitude of exported points as text information
      • Real (3D) altitude - moves exported points into real height above the sea level and displays them in 3D
    • OV2 - TomTom format for POI database. The same parameters as CSV.

Export of Geocaches

When exporting multiple geocaches to a GPX file all of them are checked if they contain complete information (listing etc.). If they contain just basic info about coords, terrain, difficulty, they are automatically updated - export of geocaches takes a bit more time than in case of ordinary points.

If you want to avoid this updating, set your Geocaching4Locus addon so that it downloads all information about caches directly (Settings > Download > uncheck “Basic info only”)

When the parameters are set, just tap the EXPORT button:

manual/user_guide/points/export.1569853098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/30 16:18 by mstupka