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This feature offers several ways of sharing your immediate location or other content in one place:

My location

My current location

The quickest way how to tell your friends where you are at the moment. Locus calls your favorite messaging app and sends a short message with your position.

My live location


Share map cursor location

Place the map center cursor at any position and share it:

Text message

  • Text part - pre-filled by Locus Map, contains address, GPS coordinates and is editable.
  • + - adds other detailed info about the cursor position:

    • Coordinates (text) - extra value if the coords in the text part are overwritten
    • Geohash (URL) - coordinates are coded in a short URL to open in the website. It serves as a hub of a few position-displaying services - OpenStreetMaps, GoogleMaps,, offers download of a GPX file with your position or export to a Garmin device.
    • Google Maps (URL) - a direct link to Google Maps
    • Accuracy - current GPS accuracy of your device
    • Altitude - GPS-calculated altitude
  • blue - confirms action and offers available sharing services - SMS, E-mail, Dropbox, Skype, Facebook etc.

Quick sharing

  • Google Maps
  • Geohash

Directly calls available messaging apps to send Google Maps or Geohash URLs through them without further editing.


Shares the map cursor position on your Facebook profile. Facebook login and confirmation that you allow Locus Map to write on your wall is required.


Sharing the map cursor position decoded in what3words system. Several languages are supported.


Share Screen

A very simple method of sending your device screenshot to your friends. The feature captures a shot of the whole map screen with all displayed objects - points, tracks, etc. - without controlling buttons. Then Locus calls all available apps that can share the image

Share map content

Creates a .kmz file with all visible map content for displaying in any .kml/kmz-supporting software (e.g. Google Earth) and saves it in Locus/export directory in your device:

Share button calls all available services for sharing files.

manual/user_guide/functions/share.1483459359.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/03 16:02 (external edit)