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Share & Export



This feature offers several ways of sharing your position to your friends:

  • GPS coordinates as a text message
  • map as an image
  • map crop with all visible objects as a .kmz file

Share Map Center

The quickest way how to tell your friends where you are. Just send a message with your position.

The dialog hast three parts:

Plain text

  • Text to share - pre-filled by Locus Map, contains usually GPS coordinates and can be edited later. The recipient can use your message directly to view your position in another application or a browser.
  • Additional data - adds other detailed info about your position:
    • Coordinates (text) - default value
    • Geohash (URL) - coordinates are coded in a short URL to open in the website. It serves as a hub of a few position-displaying services - OpenStreetMaps, GoogleMaps,, offers download of a GPX file with your position or export to a Garmin device.
    • Google Maps - a direct link to Google Maps
    • Accuracy - current GPS accuracy of your device
    • Altitude - GPS-calculated altitude
  • Share - confirms action and offers available sharing services - SMS, E-mail, Dropbox, Skype, Facebook etc.


Shares your position on your Facebook profile. Facebook login and confirmation that you allow Locus Map to write on your wall is required.

KML file

  • sends a .kml file with your current location for displaying in any .kml-supporting software (e.g. Google Earth)
  • the line for text description is optional, the text will be included in the .kml file

Share Screen

  • a very simple method of sending your device screenshot to your friends
  • the feature captures a shot of the whole map screens with all displayed objects - points, tracks, etc.
  • the captured image containing the map screen center EXIF info is stored in your internal memory
  • all available sharing applications can be used - e-mail, social networks, etc.

manual/user_guide/functions/share.1483363040.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/02 13:17 (external edit)