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Navigate To...


Standard voice navigation as you know it from your car or other applications. Starting and ending points can be selected by various methods of the Location Selector (GPS position, address, tap on map…). Provided you do not use BRouter offline routing service the navigation is computed online so the internet connection is needed.

1. Select Target

Firstly, you have to tell Locus where you want to go.

Directly on map

The simplest and fastest (and the least accurate) way.

  1. hold your finger on the place on map you want to be navigated to
  2. a popup with address emerges, tap “>” and select Navigate to

Location selector

Use when you need accurate or special definition of your target location.

  1. tap Menu > More functions > Navigate to
  2. select method of defining target of your route:

Point from Data manager

Use e.g. in case you want to navigate to some geocache from your database:

  1. select the point from Point manager
  2. tap it to display the point detail screen
  3. tap button from the bottom panel and select Navigate to

Point on map

Similar to the first method but now you select directly some point of interest:

  1. tap a point of interest displayed on the map (a geocache or some LoMap POI)
  2. tap “>” on the point label and select Navigate to

Definition of an own navigation target for repeated use

  1. start Navigate to and tap in the Location selector topbar:
  2. select “own location” in the next menu:
  3. set the icon and name of the location (home, work, grandma…) and tap the circle icon to select method of defining the target:
  4. define your target by showing it on the map, address etc.:
  5. confirm. Your navigation destination appears among the location selecting methods:

When you start navigation next time, just select the target from the grid.

2. Select activity or means of transport

Next step is to choose the navigation profile - means of transport. The selection depends on used navigation data source. Locus supports several navigation data sources. MapQuest and BRouter provide further profile settings:

MapQuest profile settings

Additional settings of MapQuest profiles are relevant only to the 'car' profile.

BRouter profile settings

Offline routing engine BRouter offers much more sophisticated profile settings. Not only you can add more conditions relevant to various means of transport,

you can also change the profile selection:

Check your start/final navigation points:

  • start - coords are usually pre-filled according to your GPS location. You can edit them or select a completely different location by the Location selector.
  • target - coords are pre-filled according to your previous selection, you can edit them or select a completely different target

Show more

The button displays further setting options:

  • Guidance mode - fine-tune the way of navigation:
    • Navigation - full turn-by-turn navigation you are used to from your car
    • Guidance (with commands) - simplified mode with TTS direction changes notifications
    • Guidance (no commands) - the simplest way without any notifications
  • Save permanently - if checked, you can store you navigation route to the device memory for later use. You can select a folder for it or create a new one.

Via points

Option to add via (or transit) points to your route is in the topbar.
Add via point - you can add two transit points to your route

sub menu:

  • Order change - this way it is possible to change order of the route points - by checking you activate point icons that can be dragged vertically
  • settings - link to general navigation settings

When all is properly set, tap the blue button to START NAVIGATION.

Recently used routes

A list of last used/navigated routes is in the 'Recently used' tab. Tap one of them, select between navigation and guidance and tap to start.

If you want to delete the navigation history list, tap red .

Offline navigation

If you need to be navigated offline, download and install free co-application BRouter. Download also offline routing data of the area you need through it and set BRouter as default router in navigation settings.

manual/user_guide/functions/navigation/point-to-point.1515482103.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/09 07:15 (external edit)