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How can I record my trip track?

Do you want to show the trip to your buddies? No problem with Locus Map:

  • turn your GPS on. The GPS icon must be green
  • tap Menu > More and select Track recording. Tap the green button on the tracking panel and your track is being recorded. The recording panel can be slid back by finger and a small tab indicating the recording status remains visible on the left side. <html><br><br></html>
  • you can see the tracking right on the map - the blue arrow is drawing a line.

  • when you get to the finish of your trip, tap the red Stop button.

  • name your trip or just leave it named by the date stamp. Select folder to store into and tap Save. Your trip is saved and you can boast with it to your friends.

  • the track you recorded is saved in the Tracks tab that you can find under the

manual/basics/trackrecord.1430717574.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/04 07:32 by mstupka