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Import of Geocaches

Before the geocache hunting starts it is necessary to get the geocaches into Locus Map. There are several ways how to do it and some of them are not available to basic members:

Geocaching4Locus Add-on


The first and most common option that implements geocache downloading functions into Locus Map.

Initial Settings

  • Download and install it from Google Play Store
  • Start Geocaching4Locus - Menu > More functions > Geocaching4Locus (if you see “Complete action using…” prompt select Geocaching4Locus and tap Always)
  • Geocaching4Locus menu appears, select Preferences > Sign in
  • Enter your username and password and confirm
  • Authorize Geocaching4Locus by tapping Allow access
  • Make sure that Locus settings > Miscellaneous > Connect with add-ons is checked and tap OK

Searching and Importing Features

Find nearest caches

  • Menu > More functions > Nearest caches - tap GPS to load your location - searches for geocaches around your position
  • Select any point of interest > detail screen > bottom panel > add-on button > nearest caches - searches for geocaches around the POI.
  • Long-tap any place on map > tap the address label > detail screen > bottom panel > add-on button > nearest caches - searches for geocaches around the the selected position on the map. The on-screen address search must be enabled
    • set number of geocaches to download and filter of caches (optional)
    • Tap Download to Locus
    • Select a folder for your caches, check Show on the map after import and tap Import
      • you may need to empty the import folder before downloading caches to save place in your device memory so check the option. Also, you can let Locus fill altitudes of the imported caches.
    • Geocaches appear on the map.

Basic members are limited to only 3 traditional caches in 24 hours

Live map

Geocache icons appear on-line directly above the map. For geocache details it is necessary to tap the icon and import individually. This feature requires to have Connect with add-ons checked, see more in Settings > Miscellaneous

Basic members see traditional caches only.

GC code import

Each geocache has its own unique GC code. Use this feature to import particular geocache according to its GC code.

For more information check manual of Geocaching4Locus.

Pocket Query

This feature is available only to Premium Members


Pocket Query, also known as “PQ” or just “query”, is a GPX file with geocaches that was rendered at according to instructions from the user. For example it is possible to define all geocaches with difficulty grade 3 within a circle of a certain radius around given GPS coordinates.

After a few minutes of processing the created file is available in the tab “Pocket Queries Ready for Download” in users profile or the rendering can be postponed on particular time in future.

  • Pocket Query can contain <1000 geocaches only.
  • Locus Map can also handle .zip files - to reduce the query file size check this feature.

Pocket Query Download

  • from URL at site or the file can be sent via email directly to the android device
  • directly in Locus Map by Geocaching Live:

GSAK Database Add-on


GSAK is a geocache manager where you can manage your final waypoints, add notes or waypoints to geocache or import/export geocaches from/to GSAK. More about GSAK >>

This add-on provides connection between GSAK database where geocaches are saved, and Locus Map. Locus Map can display all your GSAK geocaches, manage final waypoints, view listings etc. And everything offline.


Install plugin, copy your GSAK database to SD card, setup add-on and run Locus Map. And just import geocaches:

  • Set correct path to GSAK database on your SD card
  • Change filter in settings (optional)
  • Add this addon to the function panel and tap on it.
  • or long-tap on map, select last icon in bottom menu – Settings and select Load GSAK geocaches.
  • Done!

Locus GSAK add-on development has been discontinued so the app may cause issues on newer versions of Android or Locus.

GeoGet Database Add-on


GeoGet is a geocache manager where you can manage your final waypoints, add notes or waypoints to geocache or import/export geocaches from/to GeoGet. More about GeoGet >>

This add-on provides connection between GeoGet database where geocaches are saved, and Locus Map. Locus Map can display all your GeoGet geocaches, manage final waypoints, view listings etc. And everything offline.


Install plugin, copy your GeoGet database to SD card, setup add-on and run Locus Map. And just import geocaches:

  • Set correct path to GeoGet database on your SD card
  • Change filter in settings (optional)
  • Add this addon to the function panel and tap on it.
  • or long-tap on map, select last icon in bottom menu – Settings and select Load GeoGet geocaches.
  • Done!

An overview table of geocache import options and its properties (courtesy of Balloni55):



C:GEO is an open source, full-featured, unofficial client for and other geocaching platforms like Opencaching. Its most important feature is ability to download any number of geocaches of all sorts and export them to Locus Map.

Setup Instructions

  • download it from Google Play Store and install it on your device
  • install also Google Maps if necessary. C:GEO will not run without them.
  • log in your (or other) account in Settings

Searching and Saving Geocaches

C:GEO offers three options of searching caches:

  • Nearest caches - provides a list of nearest geocaches in a pre-defined circle around your current position
    • Menu > Save for offline > select or create a new folder and save geocaches
  • Active map - geocache icons are displayed online above a map. Shift the map to desired area, geocaches appear above the map. The frame of your device screen defines the area of which all visible geocaches will be saved.
    • Menu > Save for offline > select or create a new folder and save geocaches
  • Search - there are several parameters of searching geocaches:
    • according to coordinates, address, GC code, keywords, geocache finder, geocache owner and Trackables
    • after obtaining the search result, tap Menu > Save for offline > select or create a new folder and save geocaches

Export to Locus Map

  • Go to the app homescreen and select Saved > Menu > Display on map > Export to Locus
  • Locus Map starts up and the import data window appears - set the folder into which to save the geocaches, let the Show on the map after import checked and confirm
  • C:GEO-exported geocaches display above the map

Find more about C:GEO on their website >>

manual/user_guide/geocaching/import.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/05 11:29 by mstupka