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manual:user_guide:tracks:editing [2017/10/25 09:51] – [Major edits] mstupkamanual:user_guide:tracks:editing [2020/09/02 19:14] (current) – [Shortening] mstupka
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 ====== Track/Route Editing ====== ====== Track/Route Editing ======
 ---- ----
-===== Route planner =====+===== Route re-planning =====
   * **change** of route **progress**   * **change** of route **progress**
   * route **extension**   * route **extension**
   * route **shortening**   * route **shortening**
-==== 1. Open the route in Route Planner ====+==== Opening the route ====
   * **directly on map** - tap the route and select **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning|Route planner]]**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit01.png?nolink |}}   * **directly on map** - tap the route and select **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning|Route planner]]**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit01.png?nolink |}}
   * from the **route detail menu**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit02.png?nolink |}}   * from the **route detail menu**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit02.png?nolink |}}
-==== 2. Edit ==== +==== Changing progress ==== 
-  * **change progress** - drag shaping {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:shapept.png?nolink&20|}} and auxiliary {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:auxpt.png?nolink&15|}} points to re-shape route:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit03.png?nolink |}} +Drag shaping {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:shapept.png?nolink&20|}} and auxiliary {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:auxpt.png?nolink&15|}} points to re-shape route:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit03.png?nolink |}}\\ If the route does not contain shaping points where you need them, tap the place of the route and **make shaping point from an ordinary trackpoint**. This way you can add also via points or navigation points:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit07.gif?nolink |}}\\ Trackpoint changes into a shaping point and a **new auxiliary point creates in between**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit08.png?nolink |}} 
-  * **extend route** - add {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:addpt.png?nolink&30|}}shapepoints or via points {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:viapt.png?nolink&20|}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit04.png?nolink |}} +==== Editing navigation commands ==== 
-  * **shorten route** - remove {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:rempt.png?nolink&30|}} shaping points:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit05.png?nolink |}}+**Navigation hints** are added to Locus routes **automatically** (it can be switched off, see [[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning#drawing_instructions|here >>]])They are displayed as **tiny blue dots** in the line. When you move cursor above them, the navigation hint appears:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit44.png?nolink |}}
-<wrap info>More details in [[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning|Route Planner article >>]]</wrap+Sometimes you may want to correct these hints: 
-==== 3. Save changes ==== +=== Removing === 
-Open the route menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit06.png?nolink |}}+  * open route in **Route planner** and **tap the navigation point**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit45.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * select {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:ic_delete_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **Remove** from context menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit46.png?nolink |}} 
 +=== Changing === 
 +  * **tap the navigation point** in the route planner 
 +  * tap the navigation point button 
 +  * select the navigation command:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit47.gif?nolink |}} 
 +=== Adding === 
 +  * open route in **Route planner** and tap the place where you want to add navigation point 
 +  * open the trackpoint menu and tap the navigation button 
 +  * select navigation command:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit52.gif?nolink |}} 
 +==== Extending ==== 
 +Add {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:addpt.png?nolink&30|}}shapepoints or via points {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:viapt.png?nolink&20|}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit04.png?nolink |}} 
 +==== Shortening ==== 
 +Remove {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:rempt.png?nolink&30|}} shaping points:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit05.png?nolink |}} 
 +<WRAP info round> 
 +  * When you need to edit an imported route, it is necessary to add shaping points to it first 
 +  * More details about route planning in [[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning|Route Planner article >>]] 
 +==== Saving changes ==== 
 +Open the topbar {{:manual:user_guide:ic_menu_alt.png?nolink&30|}}route menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit06.png?nolink |}}
   * **Save** - overwrite the original route   * **Save** - overwrite the original route
   * **Save as new** - creates a new route, the original one stays untouched   * **Save as new** - creates a new route, the original one stays untouched
   * **Clear planner** - discards all changes   * **Clear planner** - discards all changes
----- +===== Track repairs ===== 
-OBSOLETE+Some edits do not make changes in the route plan but rather **repairs of recorded tracks**. These can be edited in **Track editor**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit09.png?nolink |}} 
-If you want to edit saved tracks (e.gdue to inaccuracy of the GPS recording) or already planned route, you can do so directly on map+  * **1** trackpoint bar selected trackpoint number and details 
-  * **select track/route to edit** - in the data manager or on the map\\ \\  +  * **2** trackpoint label distance to end of track, to start of track, elevation and {{:manual:user_guide:ic_edit_alt.png?nolink&30|}}tools button 
-  * select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_edit_track_on_map_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Edit on map** from the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_arrow_simple_right_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**More options** menu +  * **3** - trackpoint selector 
-  * a **new bottom panel** emerges+  * **4** - map zooming 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_info_alt.png?nolink&30|}} turns back to the track detail screen + 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_point_info_alt.png?nolink&30|}} displays the nearest trackpoint detail +**Track editor** can be launched from the **map screen**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit10.png?nolink |}}\\ or from he **track detail screen**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit11.png?nolink |}} 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_tools_alt.png?nolink&30|}} displays trackpoint editing menu:\\  +==== Cutting part of track/route ==== 
-      //Display on chart// - displays selected trackpoint on chart +=== Inner part === 
-      //Insert/edit trackpoint// - highlights the selected trackpoint and its surrounding trackpoints. They can be dragged and extra trackpoints can be added by tapping the connecting lines.\\ \\ \\ <WRAP round important>Each single edit action must be individually saved by {{:manual:user_guide:ic_ok_alt.png?nolink&30|}}OK button before proceeding on some other place</WRAP> + 
-      //Convert to navigation waypoint// - offers selection of navigation commands to associate to the point and converts it into a navigation waypoint\\ \\ <WRAP center round tip> +Sometimes weak GPS signal causes deviations in track recording. This way you can cut the deviation out of the line
-TIP: when two coincident trackpoints covering each other occur and you want to add navigation command to the other that is not displayed, tap the point twice to switch between them.+  * select place on track where to **start cutting** and tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_edit_alt.png?nolink&30|}}tools button:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit12.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_cut_part_track_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Cut inner part** from the tool menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit13.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **tap the other trackpoint** of of your line selection and **confirm**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit14.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * distorted part of the track is replaced by straight line:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit15.png?nolink |}} 
 +=== Part before === 
 +Sometimes you import a hiking route including a part driven by car to the trail head. To delete such part, use {{:manual:user_guide:ic_remove_before_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Delete all before** tool
 +  tap the place on the route to which you want to delete line from its start:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit17.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_remove_before_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Delete all before** tool:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit16.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **confirm deleting** of the part from the start to your selected point:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit18.png?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit19.png?nolink |}} 
 +=== Part after === 
 +Sometimes it happens you forget to stop track recording when arriving from your trip to the train station and the recording goes on in the train. You need to remove the train part: 
 +  * tap the place of your track where you arrived at the train station:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit20.png?nolink |}} 
 +  select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_remove_after_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Delete all after** from the tool mnenu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit21.png?nolink |}} 
 +  **confirm deleting** of the remaining part of the track:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit22.png?nolink |}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit23.png?nolink |}} 
 +==== Inserting a gap ==== 
 +Imagine you record your running workout and for some reason you have to use the street bus in the middle of it. You actually forget to pause the recording. Afterwards, you need to erase the bus part from your track and leave the space empty. 
 +  tap the point on your track where you got on the bus:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit24.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_break_insert_alt.png?nolink|}}**Insert gap** from the tools menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit30.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * a gap appears between selected trackpoint and the next trackpoint:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit25.png?nolink |}} 
 +  repeat the step above until you get to the point you got off the bus and went on running:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit26.png?nolink |}} 
 +<WRAP center round tip> 
 +This step can be reversed by tapping the trackpoint by the gap and selecting {{:manual:user_guide:ic_track_break_remove_alt.png?nolink|}}**Remove gap** from the tool menu
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-      * //Delete trackpoint// - removes selected trackpoint +==== Splitting track ==== 
-      * //Cut part of track// - selects a part of track to cut out (useful when you forget to pause track recording when having a break during a trip or training etc.) +You can split track in two or more parts e.g. when you have multiple day track recording: 
-      //Remove all before// - deletes all trackpoints from the start of the track to the selected trackpoint +  tap the point on the track where you want to split it:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit27.png?nolink |}} 
-      //Remove all after// - deletes all trackpoints from the selected trackpoint to the end of the track +  * select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_split_alt.png?30|}}**Split** from the tools menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit31.png?nolink |}} 
-      * //Split// splits the track into two in the selected trackpoint +  * confirm if you want to keep the original track or not:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit28.png?nolink |}} 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_arrow_basic_left_alt.png?nolink&30|}} moves to previous trackpoint, long-tap moves to the start of the track +  two new tracks are created in the same folder:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit29.png?nolink |}} 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_arrow_basic_right_alt.png?nolink&30|}} moves to the next trackpoint, long tap moves to the end of the track + 
-    * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_cancel_alt.png?nolink&30|}} aborts editing+==== Inserting/editing trackpoints ==== 
 +Trackpoints are **basic particles** tracks are made of (resp. routepoints are particles of routes). Track/route editor enables also edits on this miniature level e.g. when **automatic route drawing makes mistakes**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit35.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * tap the track and select **Insert/edit trackpoints**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit34.png?nolink |}} 
 +  trackpoints are highlighted {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:trkpoint.png?nolink&15|}} and auxiliary points {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:auxpt.png?nolink&15|}} created on part of the track around your selection:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit36.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **change course** of the track by moving {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:trkpoint.png?nolink&15|}} and **add new trackpoints** by moving {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:auxpt.png?nolink&15|}}. For precise positioning Locus displays situation in a **magnifier**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit37.png?nolink |}}  
 +  if you want to undo, tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_undo_alt.png?nolink&30|}}. When you are done, **confirm**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit38.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * route is repaired:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit39.png?nolink |}} 
 +==== Deleting trackpoints ==== 
 +Sometimes it happens that Locus receives **wrong coordinates** of one trackpoint from GPS during recording which results in a "tooth" in the track. This can be easily removed by **deleting the invalid trackpoint**. 
 +  * tap the wrong part of the track:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit40.png?nolink |}} 
 +  select **Delete trackpoint**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit43.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **confirm** action:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit41.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * repaired track:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:trkedit42.png?nolink |}} 
manual/user_guide/tracks/editing.1508917888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/25 09:51 by mstupka