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manual:user_guide:settings:lang_units [2016/01/29 15:16] mstupkamanual:user_guide:settings:lang_units [2019/07/10 12:17] (current) – [App language] mstupka
Line 2: Line 2:
 ---- ----
-=== Language === +===== Language ===== 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_lang.png?nolink |}} +==== App language ====
-Application language setting. Changing language requires restarting application to take effect.+
-//Text-to-speech settings// TTS is useful for guiding and navigation. +Language of all texts in the app titles, descriptions...\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_lang1.png?nolink |}}\\ <wrap info>Changing language requires internet connection other language packs are not part of the app.</wrap>
-  * //TTS Engine// - list of installed engines and corresponding languagesMay require additional Google Play downloads in case your language is not supported. +
-  * //Locus Map//{{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_lang3.png?nolink |}} - currently set application language.  +
-  * //Test phrase// - write any phrase to test your TTS setting+
-=== Coordinates === +The language list displays also availability of particular languages in percents. //Help with translation// button in the bottom shortcuts to **[[|Locus crowdsourced translation page]]**. If you are interested in Locus development and have proper language skills, you are welcome! 
-//Coordinates type// - select type of coordinates to display in the top panel:\\ \\  +==== Text-to-speech ==== 
-World:\\ \\ +{{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_lang2.png?nolink |}} 
 +TTS is necessary for navigation, guidance, audio coach and other voice alerts across the app. 
 +  * **TTS Engine** - select from a list of TTS software installed on your device.  
 +  * **TTS language** - each TTS software has its own language portfolio. Select your language. Functional selection is marked "Ready to use"
 +  * **Test phrase** - write any phrase to test your TTS setting 
 +===== Coordinates ===== 
 +==== Type of coordinates ==== 
 +Select type of coordinates to display in the top panel:\\  
 +=== World ===
   * //Lat/Lon (WGS)// - classic geographic coordinates, the most widespread   * //Lat/Lon (WGS)// - classic geographic coordinates, the most widespread
   * //MGRS// - military coordinate system   * //MGRS// - military coordinate system
   * //Maidenhead// - Maidenhead Locator System   * //Maidenhead// - Maidenhead Locator System
 +  * //Open Location Code// - OLC, also known as **plus codes**, encodes location into a form that is easier to use than showing coordinates in the form of latitude and longitude. [[|More info here >>]]
   * //UTM// - Universal transverse Merkator   * //UTM// - Universal transverse Merkator
-Ireland:\\ \\ +=== Czech republic === 
 +  * //S-JTSK// - Systém jednotné trigonometrické sítě katastrální - a rectangular coordinate network used in geodesy in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 
 +=== Ireland ===
   * //OS Irish Grid// - modified OSGB 1936 used in United Kingdom   * //OS Irish Grid// - modified OSGB 1936 used in United Kingdom
- +=== Israel === 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_lang2.png?nolink |}} +  * //Israeli CS grid// 
- +  * //Israeli TM grid// 
-Switzerland:\\ \\ +=== Netherlands === 
 +  * //Dutch Grid (RD)// 
 +=== New Zealand === 
 +  * //NZGD2000// - New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 
 +=== Switzerland ===
   * //CH1903/LV03//   * //CH1903/LV03//
-United Kingdom:\\ \\  +=== United Kingdom === 
-  * //OSGB 1936 - British National Grid//+  * //OSGB 1936// - British National Grid
 <WRAP round tip> <WRAP round tip>
-For advanced users (surveyors, professionals...) who want to use Locus Map for specific tasks there is option to define [[manual:advanced:customization:coord|custom coordinate systems >>]]+Advanced users (surveyors, professionals...) who want to use Locus Map for specific tasks can define **[[manual:advanced:customization:coord|custom coordinate systems >>]]**
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-//Lat/Lon format// - WGS Latitude/longitude format to display:+==== Lat/Lon format ==== 
 +WGS Latitude/longitude format to display:
   * //xx,xxxxx°//   * //xx,xxxxx°//
   * //xx°'// - used in geocaching   * //xx°'// - used in geocaching
   * //xx°xx'xx.xx"// - the most accurate   * //xx°xx'xx.xx"// - the most accurate
-=== Units === +===== Units ===== 
-//Length units// - wide choice of default length units to work with in the application:+==== Distance ==== 
 +Select from several combinations of following systems:
   * //metric// - m, km   * //metric// - m, km
   * //imperial// - ft, yd, mi   * //imperial// - ft, yd, mi
   * //nautical// - m, nmi   * //nautical// - m, nmi
-//Area units// - select units common in your location +==== Area ==== 
- +Select units common in your location and field of use - //m2, ha, km2, ft2, yd2, acre, mi2, nmi2//
-//Altitude units// - units of height above the sea level - meters or feet +
- +
-{{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_lang4.png?nolink |}}+
-//Speed units// - select units common in your location - terrestrial or nautical +==== Altitude ==== 
 +Units of height above the sea level - //meters or feet//
-//Angle units// - select units you are used to work with+==== Speed ==== 
 +Select units common in your location - //km/h, miles/h, nmi/h, knots//
-//Temperature units// - Celsius or Fahrenheit+==== Angle ==== 
 +Select units you are used to work with - //degree, angular mil, Russian mil, US artillery mil//
-//24-hrs time format// - use 24 hour format instead of 12-hour format+==== Slope ==== 
 +Select //percent or degree// 
 +==== Temperature ==== 
 +//Celsius or Fahrenheit// 
 +==== Energy ==== 
 +//Joules or calories// 
 +==== Weight ==== 
 +//kilogram or pound//
manual/user_guide/settings/lang_units.1454077009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/29 14:16 (external edit)