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manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:profiles_settings [2016/09/20 15:25] mstupkamanual:user_guide:tracks:recording:profiles_settings [2022/04/08 11:54] (current) mstupka
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   * slide-out track recording control panel > Track recording settings > particular recording profile//{{:manual:user_guide:ic_bt_config_alt.png?nolink&30|}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecset1.png?nolink |}}   * slide-out track recording control panel > Track recording settings > particular recording profile//{{:manual:user_guide:ic_bt_config_alt.png?nolink&30|}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecset1.png?nolink |}}
   * bottom track recording control panel > Track recording settings > particular recording profile//{{:manual:user_guide:ic_bt_config_alt.png?nolink&30|}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecset3.png?nolink |}}   * bottom track recording control panel > Track recording settings > particular recording profile//{{:manual:user_guide:ic_bt_config_alt.png?nolink&30|}}\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecset3.png?nolink |}}
-In these settings you can edit an already created profile. If you want to add a new one (Locus Map Pro only), go up one level in the settings hierarchy (//settings > track recording//).\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecset2.png?nolink |}} +In these settings you can edit an already created profile. If you want to add a new one, go up one level in the settings hierarchy (//settings > track recording//).\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trackrecset2.png?nolink |}} 
-==== Basic info ==== +==== Title - recording profile activity ==== 
-  * //Type of activity// - select activity performed on recorded track - walkhike, bike etc.+<WRAP center round info> 
 +Recording profile activity is set by default and cannot be changed. If you need a profile with an activity that is not set by defaultyou have to **create a new recording profile** 
   * //Name// - insert name of the profile   * //Name// - insert name of the profile
   * //Preferred folder// - select which folder will be used for storing recorded tracks from this profile. Default is //Last used//. If you need a new folder, please go to the [[manual:user_guide:tracks:management|track manager]] first.   * //Preferred folder// - select which folder will be used for storing recorded tracks from this profile. Default is //Last used//. If you need a new folder, please go to the [[manual:user_guide:tracks:management|track manager]] first.
   * //Auto-save after stop// - check to save recorded tracks automatically into the preferred folder immediately after the recording is stopped. Option is active only when other than //Last used// folder is selected.   * //Auto-save after stop// - check to save recorded tracks automatically into the preferred folder immediately after the recording is stopped. Option is active only when other than //Last used// folder is selected.
-  * //Remove// - deletes profile, <wrap info>available only to Locus Map Pro users</wrap>+  * //Remove this profile// - deletes current profile,
 ==== Parameters ==== ==== Parameters ====
   * //Distance interval// - sets distance between recorded trackpoints. The slower movement, the shorter the distance should be.   * //Distance interval// - sets distance between recorded trackpoints. The slower movement, the shorter the distance should be.
   * //Time interval// - sets time period between recording two trackpoints. The slower movement, the longer the period should be.   * //Time interval// - sets time period between recording two trackpoints. The slower movement, the longer the period should be.
-  * //Recording conditions// - defines method of trackpoint recording based on distance and time intervals:+  * //Trackpoint recording conditions// - defines method of trackpoint recording based on distance and time intervals:
     * //Distance AND time// - both intervals at once trigger trackpoint recording - smoother line but less accurate     * //Distance AND time// - both intervals at once trigger trackpoint recording - smoother line but less accurate
     * //Distance OR time// - one of the intervals triggers trackpoint recording - very accurate but a lot of trackpoints recorded     * //Distance OR time// - one of the intervals triggers trackpoint recording - very accurate but a lot of trackpoints recorded
-  * //Required accuracy// - sets maximum acceptable range of GPS accuracy for recording trackpoints+  * //Required GPS accuracy// - sets maximum acceptable range of GPS accuracy for recording trackpoints
   * //Record only when moving// - track recording is running only provided Locus Map detects movement of the device. If not, the recording is paused.\\ <WRAP round tip >Sometimes, location indicator is moving on map even when speed is 0 m/s. That is caused by post-processing of raw GPS data in the device and insufficient amount of data. By enabling this feature, Locus Map stores only correct trackpoints.</WRAP>   * //Record only when moving// - track recording is running only provided Locus Map detects movement of the device. If not, the recording is paused.\\ <WRAP round tip >Sometimes, location indicator is moving on map even when speed is 0 m/s. That is caused by post-processing of raw GPS data in the device and insufficient amount of data. By enabling this feature, Locus Map stores only correct trackpoints.</WRAP>
   * //Record when GPS is off// - track recording proceeds even if the GPS signal is out, e.g. in buildings. Location is acquired by wifi and mobile networks and can be approximate only.\\ <WRAP round important>"Accuracy" of such a recording can oscillate kilometers from your real location or such recording can be stopped due to low value in the //Required accuracy// parameter.</WRAP>   * //Record when GPS is off// - track recording proceeds even if the GPS signal is out, e.g. in buildings. Location is acquired by wifi and mobile networks and can be approximate only.\\ <WRAP round important>"Accuracy" of such a recording can oscillate kilometers from your real location or such recording can be stopped due to low value in the //Required accuracy// parameter.</WRAP>
 ==== Style on map ==== ==== Style on map ====
-  * //Limit trackpoints on map// - limits number of visible trackpoints of actually recorded track.  Recommended for long or frequent routes. Too long recording (too many trackpoints) may slow down the display of maps. +  * //Track recording line style// - launches a dialog with [[manual:user_guide:tracks:management#track_route_folder_style|line style settings]] - color, mode, pattern, width etc. 
-  * //Number of trackpoints// - defines number of visible recorded trackpoints on map in order to secure smooth running of the app  +  * //Display only part of track on map// - limits number of visible trackpoints of actually recorded track.  Recommended for long or frequent routes. Too long recording (too many trackpoints) may slow down the display of maps. 
-  * //Color style of recorded track// +  * //Displayed track part length// - defines number of visible recorded trackpoints on map in order to secure smooth running of the app
-    * //Simple color// - whole track is in single color +
-    * //Speed// - color of the track changes depending on recorded speed +
-    * //Altitude// - color of the track changes depending on recorded altitude +
-    * //Accuracy// - color of the track changes depending on GPS accuracy during recording +
-    * //Change of speed// - color of the track changes depending on recorded change of speed +
-    * //Change of altitude// - color of the track changes depending on recorded change of altitude +
-    * //Heart rate// - color of the track changes depending on recorded heart rate monitored by some connected ANT+ or Bluetooth sensor +
-    * //Cadence// - color of the track changes depending on recorded cadence monitored by some connected ANT+ or Bluetooth sensor +
-  * //Track color and transparency// - sets track color and transparency in case simple color style is selected +
-  * //Track width// - sets width of recorded track in units selected in another parameter +
-  * //Track width units// - sets width units, meters for absolute track width or pixels for relative width on map+
 ==== Advanced settings ==== ==== Advanced settings ====
-  * //Training auto start// - defines a **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trainingmanager|training audio scheme]]** to be launched simultaneously with the track recording +  * //Audio coach auto start// - defines a **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:recording:trainingmanager|audio coach scheme]]** to be started simultaneously with the track recording 
-  * //Automatic export// - sets automatic export of recorded track to files or web services. The setting dialog is the same as in the **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:export#tracks_export_dialog|Track export]]** except of a new button - **Set** - that confirms the export selection +  * //Automatic export// - sets automatic export of recorded track to a file or web service. The setting dialog is the same as in the **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:export#tracks_export_dialog|Track export]]** except of a new button - **Set** - that confirms the export selection 
-  * //Hardware devices// - here you can define **[[manual:user_guide:tools:bluetooth|bluetooth]]** or **[[manual:user_guide:tools:ant|ANT+]]** devices connected to the phone that should be started simultaneously with the track recording+  * //Connected hardware auto-start// - here you can define **[[manual:user_guide:tools:bluetooth|bluetooth]]** or **[[manual:user_guide:tools:ant|ANT+]]** devices connected to the phone that should be started simultaneously with the track recording
   * //Live tracking auto-start// - defines a  **[[manual:user_guide:functions:live_tracking|Live tracking]]** event to be launched simultaneously with the track recording       * //Live tracking auto-start// - defines a  **[[manual:user_guide:functions:live_tracking|Live tracking]]** event to be launched simultaneously with the track recording    
manual/user_guide/tracks/recording/profiles_settings.1474377945.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/20 15:25 (external edit)