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manual:about:gdpr [2018/08/07 15:32] – created mstupkamanual:about:gdpr [2021/02/19 15:15] (current) – old revision restored (2020/04/06 12:36) mstupka
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-====== Consent with the processing of personal data ======+====== A few words about the protection of personal data ======
 ---- ----
-To meet the requirements of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter the “**GDPR**”), we are obliged to ask you for your consent with the processing of your personal data required by this applicationThe following form will allow you to express or to refuse your consent with the processing of your personal data and to select purposes for which your personal data will be processed. +Before you go out with Locus for the first hike or ride, we want you to know that Locus Map needs some of your personal information for its operationIts use is subject to your consent under the EU Parliamentary and EU Council (2016/679 - GDPRRegulations.
-The personal data controller will always be **Asamm Software, s.r.o.**, ID No.: 24225321, registered office Krhanická 719/25, Kamýk, 142 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic (hereinafter the “**Controller**”), which is the provider of the application “Locus Map” (hereinafter the “**application**“).+
-The application “Locus Map” contains the following functions which require the processing of personal data: +**So what does Locus Map need?**
-===== 1) Location data =====+
-The application is, by nature, a map navigation. Therefore, it needs to know your base location at the launch to correctly fix and display your base location on the map. Upon the introductory launch, the application will therefore ask your mobile device (hereinafter the “**device**”) for information about your last known location. Such information about your last known location obtained from your device is processed and stored by us only until the moment when the application will obtain from the device an update of the location data but not later than until the closing of the application on the device. +===== 1Information about your location =====
-===== 2Locus World – user name, e-mail and photo =====+
-These data represent for us the basic user data, which we use for the identification of the user and protection of the other personal data. The Locus World function will create unique user account for youWhen you log into the Locus World function in the application through a social network, you grant us consent with the processing of your user name, e-mail address and photo which you use in the relevant social networkWe will process these data during the existence of your user account in the Locus World, but not later than until the withdrawal of your consentLocus World will enable you to use the functions of the application which are described below and which require clear identification of users, such as the Live Tracking and Locus Store+  * to display your current or last fixed location on map in your mobile or tablet. Locus gets this information from sensors in your mobile device and stores it in the application only while it is running. With location data, you know where you are and what track you have made. 
-===== 3) The Live Tracking function – user name and localization data =====+  * to display your current or last targeted position with Live Tracking - real-time location sharing. You choose if to share your location with all other Locus users and worldwide at or with a selected group of people only (only on their mobile devices). You are notified of Live Tracking being active by a rotating arrow icon on your screen status bar. 
 +  * to offer maps of your immediate surroundings to you both in the app and in Locus Store, so that you don't have to be bothered by looking for them 
-You may elect as the purpose of processing of your user name and current localization data either a public or private sharing of your geographic position in real time to an unspecified group of other people and saving the record of your previous route in the application. You select between the private and public sharing of your current position in real time directly in the application.+===== 2) Username, email, and photo =====
-In case of the public sharing of your positionyour user name and current geographic position will be publicly displayed to all people joining the Controller's website at the address [[|]] (hereinafter the “**Website**”) and in the Locus Map application. The Controller does not block from its side the access to the Website from any countries, including those situated outside the European Union.+  * so that you get the benefits of My Locus - using Live Tracking, and managing your purchases, downloads, and updates in Locus Store.
-On the contrary, if your set up private sharing of your position, your user name and current geographic position will only be displayed to a smaller group of users of the application, who are located in the “room” of the applicationwhich is set of users of the application connected by means of a unique key known to them. Under the private sharing mode of the position, your position is not displayed on the Website.+**Live Tracking** - for others to better identify youLocus shows your user name and profile photo (or other avatar) on map in app and on live tracking website. This information is displayed only when  Live Tracking is active and is kept in memory only for the time you have Locus installed on your mobile. If you do not want to display your real name with your locationyou can replace it with nickname.
-For the Live Tracking function, we store the user name for the entire period for which you have installed the application in the device; howeverafter you close the application in the device, the current location data will be removed without undue delay. The name and location data are only shared in the Live Tracking after the activation of the Live Tracking function in the application and lasts until it is deactivated by you or until you terminate the application in your deviceWe will inform you of the fact that you have activated the Live Tracking and your name and current location is being shared by displaying rotating arrows in the system bar of your device. +**Locus Store** - we need identification data to conclude the purchase agreement. If you have purchased paid content on Locus Storewe will process your identification and contact information for a period of 3 years, corresponding to the duration of your purchase contract claimsBy the so-called profiling, we will estimate your preferences from your shopping history and show to you more relevant offers on Locus Store accordingly.
-===== 4) Track recording function – health data, age, weight, sex, location =====+
-The Track recording function monitors your sports activityFor this purpose, the application analyses your age, weight, sex, body height and pulse, from which it derives by profiling your body mass index and counts calories burnt during your movement. All data recorded by the Locus Tracking function will be saved locally in your device in the relevant application folder and will not be removed by uninstallation of the application. +You sign in to My Locus profile by email and it's also possible using your Google or Facebook accountEmail and data from your profile on Google or Facebook, including your profile photo, are stored on our server until you withdraw your consent.
-===== 5) Locus Store function – user name, e-mail address, location data, shopping history =====+
-The Locus Store function allows shopping or expansion of the internal functions of the application, such as obtaining further maps. We process these data to be able to clearly identify you for the purpose of expansion of the application and presenting to you more relevant offers in the Locus Store. 
-**By checking the field “//I grant consent with the processing of my personal data//” __at the end of this form, you grant to the Controller voluntary consent with the processing of your personal data for purposes selected by you__** (hereinafter the “**Consent**”).  
-At the same time, you declare that you provide the personal data by yourself on your own behalf freely and voluntarily and are **older than 16 years of age.** Unless stated otherwise aboveyour personal data will be stored during the entire existence of this Consent until its withdrawal (if any)unless the legal grounds for their processing terminates otherwise earlier. In certain caseshowever, we will be entitled to process your personal data even after the withdrawal of the Consent, e.g. if you purchase any paid content of the application in the Locus Store. In such cases, we will process your personal data – the name and e-mail address – for the period of three years, which corresponds to the period of existence of claims under the purchase contract. +===== 3) Fitness data - heightweightagesex and heart rate =====
-Under the GDPR, you have the right: 
-  * to withdraw this Consent at any time 
-  * to obtain from the Controller a confirmation whether the personal data are or are not being processed 
-  * to obtain access to the personal data and information with regard to: 
-    * the purpose of their processing 
-    * categories of the relevant data 
-    * recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, particularly of recipients from third countries outside the European Union and international organizations 
-    * the scheduled period of storing of the personal data and if undeterminable, the criteria used for the determination of such period 
-    * the existence of the right to request from the Controller rectification or erasure of the personal data or restriction of their processing or to object against the processing 
-    * the sources of personal data if not obtained from you 
-    * information about automated decision-making, including profiling, and to obtain in such cases meaningful information relating to the applied procedure and the meaning and possible consequences of such processing for you as the data subject 
-    * the existence of appropriate safeguards relating to transfers if the personal data are transferred to a third country outside the European Union or to an international organization 
-  * not to be the object of any decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which would have any legal effects for you or would otherwise materially affect you, except in cases where such decision would be based on your express consent 
-  * to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the Member State of your usual residence, place of employment or other place where the alleged breach has occurred if you believe that your personal data are processed in conflict with the GDPR, as well as the right to effective judicial protection against a legally binding decision of the supervisory authority 
-  * to receive compensation from the Controller or from a processor compensation for any material or non-material damage suffered a as a result of an infringement of the GDPR 
-  * to request a copy of the processed personal data, also in electronic form 
-  * to request rectification of personal data without undue delay and their supplementing if incomplete, also by providing an additional declaration 
-  * to request erasure of the personal data without undue delay if 
-    * they are no longer required for the purposes for which they have been collected 
-    * you have withdrawn the Consent and there is no other legal reason for the processing of personal data 
-    * the personal data have been processed unlawfully 
-    * the personal data must be erased to fulfil a legal obligation under the law 
-  * to obtain personal data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format 
-  * to transfer the personal data to another controller without obstacles, also through the Controller if technically feasible 
-  * to request restriction of the processing of your personal data if: 
-    * you contest their accuracy, for the period required for the verification of their accuracy 
-    * the processing is unlawful and instead of the erasure of the data, you will ask for the restriction of their use 
-    * the Controller no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes but you request them for the determination, exercise or defence of legal claims 
-    * you raise an objection against their processing, until it is verified whether the Controller's legitimate interests prevail over your justified reasons 
-The provision of personal data is based on this Consent. +  * based on this data, we calculate body mass index and calorie consumption so that you can monitor your performance in sporting activities. Depending on this, you can set up your workouts correctly and efficiently.
-  +
-The Controller advises you hereby that no automated individual decision-making or profiling based on the above-mentioned personal data within the meaning of the GDPR will occur+
-Any profiling is only carried out if you use the Locus Store function (for the improvement of commercial offers based on the shopping history in the Locus Store) and the Track Recording function (for the analysis of your BMI and calories burnt during sports activities. The Controller will share your current position and user name in the Live Tracking in line with your Consent and setup of the private or public sharing. Due to the nature of the public sharing in the Live Tracking function, your current position and user name will be on public display for anyone in the world. In all other cases, the Controller will not transfer personal data to any specific entities from third countries as defined in GDPR, or to any international organizations.+Fitness data are kept in the Locus folder on your mobile or tablet until you delete the folder.
-You are also entitled to object at any time against the processing of personal data, including any profiling, due to reasons concerning your specific situation. The right to raise an objection at any time on the grounds concerning your specific situation also belongs to you in case of processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, including any related profiling.+So, that's all. Personal data subject to your consent will be deposited for the entire duration of this consent until its possible revocation, without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal. The Personal Information Manager is Asamm Software, s.r.o., company ID: 24225321, with its registered office at Krhanická 719/25, Kamýk, 142 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic. 
 +If you are over 16 years old and agree to processing the data, check the **"I agree"** checkbox at Locus Map start. According to GDPR you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, just write to us at 
 +**According to GDPR you have also other rights:** 
 +  * to obtain confirmation from the Administrator whether or not personal data is processed 
 +  * to gain access to personal data and information regarding: 
 +    * purpose of processing 
 +    * the categories of personal data concerned 
 +    * recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular, if they were third-country recipients outside the European Union and international organizations 
 +    * the planned periods of storage of personal data and, in the case of uncertainty about the criteria used to determine that period 
 +    * the existence of the right to require the controller to correct or delete personal data or to limit their processing or to object to such processing 
 +    * sources of personal information if these have not been obtained from you 
 +    * whether automated decision-making, including profiling, occurs and at least in these cases receive meaningful information regarding the process used, as well as the significance and expected consequences of such processing for you as a data subject 
 +    * appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer if personal data are transferred to a third country outside the European Union or an international organization 
 +  * not to be subject to any decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that would have legal effects or similar effects on you in a similar manner unless the decision is based on your explicit consent 
 +  * to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the Member State of your usual residence, place of employment or the place where the alleged breach occurred, if you believe that processing of personal data violates GDPR as well as the right to effective judicial protection against legally binding supervisory authority decision 
 +  * to obtain compensation from the Data Controller or Personal Data Processor if you suffer material or intangible damage as a result of a GDPR violation 
 +  * to request a copy of the processed personal data, including by electronic means 
 +  * to request the correction of personal data without undue delay and supplement it in case of incompleteness, including by providing an additional declaration 
 +  * to require the deletion of personal data without undue delay if: 
 +    * they are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected 
 +    * you withdraw the consent and there is no other legal reason for the processing of personal data 
 +    * personal data has been processed unlawfully 
 +    * personal data must be deleted in order to fulfill a legal obligation under the law 
 +  * to obtain personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format 
 +  * to transfer personal data to another controller without hindrance, including through the controller, if technically possible 
 +  * to require restrictions on the processing of personal data if: 
 +    * you deny their accuracy for the time needed to verify their accuracy 
 +    * the processing is unlawful and you ask to restrict the use of personal data instead of deleting it 
 +    * the controller no longer needs personal data for processing purposes, but you are requesting it to identify, exercise or defend legal claims 
 +    * you object to their processing, pending verification that the Administrator's legitimate reasons exceed those justified on your part  
 +Otherwise, check the box **"I don't agree"**. Unfortunately, **Locus Map can't run without your consent, so it will end.**
manual/about/gdpr.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/19 15:15 by mstupka