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manual:user_guide:maps_settings:personal [2015/04/27 14:43] mstupkamanual:user_guide:maps_settings:personal [2016/07/20 14:07] (current) mstupka
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-====== Personal Maps Settings ======+====== Offline maps ======
 ---- ----
 +<wrap box>Menu > Settings > Maps > Offline maps</wrap>
 +===== PERSONAL MAPS =====
 === Map auto-load === === Map auto-load ===
 Enables automatic loading of maps (SQLite-based) according to actual GPS position. There is no need to select maps when out of one, Locus Map switches it on automatically. There are three options: Enables automatic loading of maps (SQLite-based) according to actual GPS position. There is no need to select maps when out of one, Locus Map switches it on automatically. There are three options:
   * //no map auto-load//   * //no map auto-load//
   * //auto-load maps of identical type only// (e.g. SQL - SQL or MBT - MBT)   * //auto-load maps of identical type only// (e.g. SQL - SQL or MBT - MBT)
   * //auto-load maps of any type// - at first Locus Map checks availability of identical map type and then switches on map of any type covering the desired area   * //auto-load maps of any type// - at first Locus Map checks availability of identical map type and then switches on map of any type covering the desired area
 +=== Map auto-load ===
 +Enables automatic loading of available vector maps according to actual GPS position. There is no need to select maps when out of one, Locus Map switches it on automatically.
 +=== Text size ===
 +Enables setting size of vector maps texts on scale from 50 to 500% of the default size.
manual/user_guide/maps_settings/personal.1430138635.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/27 14:43 (external edit)