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manual:user_guide:maps_online [2018/02/02 14:22] – [Displaying online maps] mstupka
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-{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_custom_map_online_alt.png}}====== Online Maps ====== 
-**Locus Map** provides a wide range of online maps to work with. They are listed in the **Online** tab of the [[manual:user_guide:maps_mmanager|Map Manager]]. 
-===== Sorting ===== 
-Maps are grouped according to selected sorting. To change the sorting, tap the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_sort_alt.png?nolink&30|}}//Sort by// button and select category. 
-  * **all maps** - list of all map providers:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager5.png?nolink |}} 
-  * **countries** - maps sorted according to their coverage of countries and continents: \\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager6.png?nolink |}} 
-  * **usage** - maps sorted according to their purpose - hiking, cycling etc.:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager7.png?nolink |}} 
-  * **smart choice** - only last used and the most used maps:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager8.png?nolink |}} 
-===== Displaying online maps ===== 
-**To display the needed map, select the group to unfold and tap the map.** The selected map name highlights red. 
-If you select a map for the first time, an **information screen** appears.\\   
-{{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager3.png?nolink |}} 
-It contains an overview, the terms of use in online/offline modes and description. The {{:manual:user_guide:ic_info_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**info screen** is accessible also from the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}**action menu** at each map: 
-  * **Basic info** - available zooms, covered countries and usage (e.g. hiking, biking...) 
-  * **Online** - information whether the map is available for free or for subscription, if it can be cached into your phone memory (//Locus/mapsOnline/map*.sqll// file - some maps especially from commercial providers cannnot be cached so it is necessary to have stable internet connection to display them), the current size of the cache in MB and its time validity  
-  * **Offline** - if the map is downloadable, daily download limit in number of map tiles, amount of tiles downloaded that day and speed limit (e.g. 2 tiles at once) 
-  * **Description** - map provider, author, terms of use, license etc. 
-To display the map, tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_ok_alt.png?nolink&200|}}**Confirm**. 
-===== Customizing online map list ===== 
-The list of available online maps can seem too complex for somebody but it can be easily reduced so that the user sees only the maps he/she actually uses: 
-  * tap **Settings** in the topbar{{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}**Action menu**, select **Available maps**\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager9.png?nolink |}} 
-  *  Uncheck all you wish to hide.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager10.png?nolink |}} 
-  * another way how to hide a map from the list is to select the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hide_alt.png?nolink&30|}}//Hide// option from the **action menu** at each single map. 
-{{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}**Action menu button** 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager.png?nolink |}} 
-Each map has its own action menu, consisting of following items: 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_info_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Details** display the **Information screen** 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_map_download_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Download** launches [[manual:user_guide:maps_download|online map download]] 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_set_valid_for_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Set 'Valid for'**(visible only for cacheable maps) defines validity time for cached map tiles in hours. When the validity time expires, Locus Map caches a new map tile. 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_delete_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Clear Cache** deletes all cached tiles in your temporary storage 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_warning_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Pre-Paid** (only for Wanderreit maps) displays a form to fill in the pre-paid Wanderreit map code 
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_cancel_color_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Cancel subscription** cancels your Wanderreit map subscription  
-  * {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hide_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**Hide** removes map from the list. It can be reversed in Map Settings. 
-===== Paid online maps ===== 
-Some maps (e.g. Outdooractive online or IGN online) are accessible only after payment for **subscription**. After displaying their detail screen and confirmation you are prompted to purchase some kind of subscription - monthly or annually. The purchase is processed via **[[manual:user_guide:locus_store:|Locus Store]]**. 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:paidonline.png?nolink |}} 
-After submitting the payment the access is open. 
-===== Adding online maps ===== 
-If you miss some online map of your preference, you may look it up in the **[[manual:user_guide:locus_store|Locus Store]]**. So as to keep the online map offer in order, Locus Map stores some less known or less used online maps "aside" right there. 
-  * tap {{:manual:user_guide:add.png?nolink&20|}} button in the **Online tab** and select {{:manual:user_guide:ic_store_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **Add new online maps** 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:addonlinemap.png?nolink |}} 
-  * select your map in the Store and tap the blue button **ADD** 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:addonlinemap2.png?nolink |}} 
-  * new online map appears in online tab of the Map manager 
-**Download of online maps** for offline use is referred to in an [[manual:user_guide:maps_download|individual chapter >>]]. 
manual/user_guide/maps_online.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/08 10:36 by mstupka