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manual:user_guide:maps_mmanager [2015/05/22 16:50] – [Offline] mstupkamanual:user_guide:maps_mmanager [2023/01/26 09:11] (current) – [Offline] mstupka
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 ---- ----
-{{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager2.png?nolink|}}**The Map Manager** is Locus Map's main communication screen where you can select your map to **display** and **download** for offline use. It is launched by {{:manual:user_guide:ic_map_alt.png?nolink&30|}}  icon in the main menu or in the right corner of the top panel. The Maps Manager screen includes a top bar with a {{:manual:user_guide:ic_map_download_alt.png?nolink&30|}}//[[manual:user_guide:maps_online#download_of_maps|download]]// button, {{:manual:user_guide:ic_list_alt.png?nolink&30|}}//sort by// button and {{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}//action menu// button and a window divided into three tabs:+{{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager2.png?nolink |}} 
 +**The Map Manager** is Locus Map's main communication screen where you can select your map to **display** and **download** for offline use. It is launched by {{:manual:user_guide:ic_map_alt.png?nolink&30|}}  icon in the main menu or in the right corner of the top panel. The Maps Manager screen includes a top bar with {{:manual:user_guide:ic_list_alt.png?nolink&30|}}//sort by// button and {{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}//action menu// button and a window divided into three tabs:
 ===== Online ===== ===== Online =====
Line 14: Line 16:
   * by **[[manual:user_guide:maps_download|downloading]]** online maps directly in the app.  Not all online maps in Locus Map can be downloaded, as it is mentioned in the **[[manual:user_guide:maps_online|Online Maps]]** chapter.    * by **[[manual:user_guide:maps_download|downloading]]** online maps directly in the app.  Not all online maps in Locus Map can be downloaded, as it is mentioned in the **[[manual:user_guide:maps_online|Online Maps]]** chapter. 
   * from **external sources** - websites, map e-shops, PC software etc.  How to add external maps into Locus Map is referred to in more detail in **[[manual:user_guide:maps_external|External Maps >>]]**    * from **external sources** - websites, map e-shops, PC software etc.  How to add external maps into Locus Map is referred to in more detail in **[[manual:user_guide:maps_external|External Maps >>]]** 
-  * from **[[manual:user_guide:locus_store|Locus Store]]**. Locus Store offer contains a lot of offline maps from many providers and also **[[manual:user_guide:maps_locusmaps|Locus Maps >>]]** - a list of maps rendered **directly by Locus Map** application from [[|OpenStreetMap]] data via the [[|MapsForge]] toolbox. Three Locus Map can be downloaded for free, others for a symbolic fee. The maps can be rendered in several themes among which it is possible to switch: hiking, biking, ski, town plan and road map.+  * from **[[manual:user_guide:locus_store|Locus Store]]**. Locus Store offer contains a lot of offline maps from many providers and also **[[manual:user_guide:maps_locusmaps|LoMaps >>]]** - a portfolio of maps rendered **directly by Locus Map** application from [[|OpenStreetMap]] data via the [[|MapsForge]] toolbox. Three Locus Map can be downloaded for free, others for a symbolic fee. The maps can be rendered in several themes among which it is possible to switch: hiking, biking, ski, town plan and road map.
 ===== WMS ===== ===== WMS =====
-A list of installed WMS sources - WMS (Web Map Service) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the **Internet** that are generated by map servers using data from a GIS database. **Locus Map** offers a variety of **Worldwide sources** that can be displayed in an overlay above your active map or a direct URL entry to activate any WMS source you wish. <html><br></html><wrap info>Usage of WMS maps is limited in Locus Map Free to 250 map tiles per one Locus session.</wrap><html><br></html> More about **[[manual:user_guide:maps_wms|WMS in Locus Map >>]]**+A list of installed WMS sources - WMS (Web Map Service) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the **Internet** that are generated by map servers using data from a GIS database. **Locus Map** offers a variety of **Worldwide sources** that can be displayed in an overlay above your active map or a direct URL entry to activate any WMS source you wish.  
 +More about **[[manual:user_guide:maps_wms|WMS in Locus Map >>]]** 
 You can select which of map **tabs to display** in the Manager. It helps to keep the manager **clear** provided you do not use all of Locus Map's available sorts of maps. Tap the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}//Action button// in the upper right corner, select **Visible tabs** and tick the desired ones. For further settings, tap the [[manual:user_guide:maps_settings|Settings]] option. You can select which of map **tabs to display** in the Manager. It helps to keep the manager **clear** provided you do not use all of Locus Map's available sorts of maps. Tap the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_black.png?nolink&30|}}//Action button// in the upper right corner, select **Visible tabs** and tick the desired ones. For further settings, tap the [[manual:user_guide:maps_settings|Settings]] option.
 +{{:manual:user_guide:add.png?50&nolink |}}===== Adding Maps =====
 +Distinctive blue button in the lower right corner launches options of adding maps in two categories/tabs - online and offline:
 +==== Online ====
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:addonlinemap.gif?nolink |}}
 +  * **[[manual:user_guide:locus_store|Add more online maps]]** - switches Locus Store on to display more available online maps
 +Online maps can be also **[[manual:user_guide:maps_download|downloaded for offline use]]**. Download button can be found in each map's {{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_alt.png?nolink&30|}}**action menu**.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:mapdownload7.png?nolink |}}
 +==== Offline ====
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:addofflinemaps.gif?nolink |}}
 +  * **[[manual:user_guide:locus_store|Offline maps download]]** - switches appropriate part of Locus Store on to select an offline map to download or purchase
 +  * **[[manual:user_guide:maps_external|External maps]]** - adds a map obtained from an external source that is stored in the device's internal memory or SD card
 +===== Top bar action menu =====
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager1.png?nolink |}}
 +==== Blank maps ====
 +These "maps" contain no map data and serve as background for [[manual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlays|overlays with other maps]] that can not be used indiviually. There are two variants - **light** and **dark** (i.e. white and black). //An example of the dark variant used together with a cadastral map://
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:mapsmanager4.png?nolink |}}
 +==== Refresh list ====
 +Re-loads the list of maps.
 +==== Visible WMS tab ====
 +Switches tab with [[manual:user_guide:maps_wms|WMS maps]] ON/OFF. Those who do not use WMS sources do not have to be bothered with the third map tab and can save space.
 +==== Settings ====
 +Link to [[manual:user_guide:maps_settings:|maps settings]].
 +{{:manual:user_guide:ic_quick_map_switch_alt.png?50 |}}
 ===== Quick Map Switch ===== ===== Quick Map Switch =====
-{{:manual:user_guide:ic_quick_map_switch_alt.png?nolink |}}A very useful feature of Maps Manager if you work with **various types of maps at once**. It offers your **last** used online maps**nearest** offline maps to your position at one tapIt can be added on your screen as another button by selecting **Menu > Settings > Map control&panels > Quick Map Switch**. There you define when to display it - never, when out of map or always. More about it in **[[manual:user_guide:maps_settings|Maps Settings >>]]**+A very useful feature of Maps Manager if you often switch among a group of **various types of maps at once**. It offers at one tap: 
 +  * **last** used online maps 
 +  * **nearest** offline maps to your position\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:quickmapswitch.png?nolink |}} 
 +Quick Map Shift is in the left **[[manual:user_guide:mainscr_lpanel|Content panel]]** or it can be added on your screen as another button to the **[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|function panels >>]]**
manual/user_guide/maps_mmanager.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/26 09:11 by mstupka