Table of Contents




Developing environment (IDE)


Create a project

Add Locus API

Add Locus API Android

Add Locus API Android (sample) - optional

Extra settings

To make your project work fully, a few more steps are needed:

// define global parameters
ext {
    compileSdkVersion = 19
    buildToolsVersion = '19.1'
    minSdkVersion = 8
    targetSdkVersion = 19
    signDebugPath = 'c:/path_to_debug_key/debug.keystore'
    signDebugPassword = 'android'
    signDebugKeyAlias = 'androiddebugkey'
    signDebugKeyPassword = 'android'
    signReleasePath = 'c:/path_to_public_key/release.keystore'
    signReleasePassword = 'your_passwork'
    signReleaseKeyAlias = 'your_key_alias'
    signReleaseKeyPassword = 'your_key_password'

Final information

LocusAPI Android (sample) now should be fully working.

Check it's build.gradle file, where is defined all you require. And also in build.gradle file in your own Add-on test module.