{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_settings_map_alt.png?nolink|}}====== Maps Settings ======
===== Online maps =====
==== Cache maps ====
Saves displayed online maps into internal database in **temporary memory** and accelerates their future loading.
==== Cached maps only ====
Displays only cached map tiles of online maps to **avoid downloading from the internet**.
If an online map is activated but none of its tiles are cached and this option is checked, the map screen is empty.
===== Offline maps =====
==== RASTER MAPS ====
==== Automatic map loading ====
Loads SQLite-based maps according to actual GPS position. There is no need to select maps manually when out of one, Locus Map switches it on automatically. **To make this work, store all the maps into one folder**.
There are three options:
* **no map auto-load** - maps must be selected and activated manually
* **auto-load maps of identical source only** - only maps from one provider or other common source are auto-loaded. E.g. Outdooractive - Outdooractive, SHOCart - SHOCart etc.
* **auto-load maps of any source** - at first Locus Map checks the availability of an identical map source (provider) and then switches to a map of any source covering the desired area
==== Automatic map loading ====
You manually select which map to display or you let Locus automatically load available vector maps for the currently displayed position. This also ensures a seamless map display across the whole screen in areas where the coverage of two maps blends into each other.
Advanced: it works only for maps of the same Mapsforge version 3 or 5.
==== Text size ====
Enables setting size of vector maps texts (names of cities, streets, etc.) on scale from 50 to 500% of the default size.
===== Auxiliary graphics =====
Graphic elements displaying various non-map objects or values.
==== Map scale ====
Map scale is the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. Traditional indicator in the lower left corner of the map screen:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_18.gif?nolink |}}
==== Time circles ====
Circles indicate estimated beeline distance to be passed according to user's current speed in 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_19.png?nolink |}}
==== Distance circles ====
Circles indicate selected distances from the map screen cursor - 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 m, 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 km:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_20.png?nolink |}} In case the GPS is fixed the circles have different color and indicate distance from the user's location.
==== Dynamic elevation ====
Displays elevation value at the map screen cursor position:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_21.png?nolink |}} It is based on downloaded offline elevation files.
==== Cursor to position line ====
Stretches a line with azimuth and distance between user's GPS location and the map screen cursor:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_22.png?nolink |}}
==== Course line ====
Displays a line from user's current position across the screen to indicate direction of motion:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_23.png?nolink |}} Useful when trying to maintain a specific course.
==== Heading line ====
Displays a line from user's current position across the screen to indicate direction he/she is pointing at with the device:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_24.png?nolink |}} Similar function to the Show view button on the bottom screen panel.
==== Text size ====
Sets size of texts within auxuliary objects (dynamic altitude, labels etc.) from 50 to 300% of a normal size.
===== Advanced features =====
==== Pre-load global map ====
Select one of world online or offline maps for upper zooms so that detailed zooms of your local map are loaded faster.
==== Optimize raster map resolution ====
The app automatically selects an optimum resolution of the map according to the device screen's DPI. The result is better legibility of the map.
==== Increase map resolution ====
Tap **Enable** and move the slider to adjust the resolution you see on the preview window. It displays the map around position of your map cursor.
{{ :manual:user_guide:maps_settings:mapresset.png?nolink |}}
==== Map shading ====
Enables additional shading of map based on offline elevation files.
* Select which maps you want to shade - **online**, **personal** or **LoMaps and other vector maps** (or all).
* Types of shading:
* **Hill shading** - classic mimicking illumination by the sun:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:maps_settings:mapshade01.png?nolink |}}\\
* **Slopes** - highlighting slopes of >30°, >35°, >40 (light orange, orange, dark orange) - useful for skialpinists, backcountry skiers etc.:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:maps_settings:mapshade02.png?nolink |}}\\
* **Colored elevation** - elevation levels are differed by colors (e.g. lowlands are green, mountains brown). This setting offers several color theme presets by orographic profile: //Universal, Lowland, Highland, Alps and Mountains//:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:maps_settings:mapshade03.png?nolink |}}\\ You can get your own color schemes by defining [[manual:advanced:customization:coloring|custom elevation color palettes >>]]
It is important to download elevation data before using this function, more info [[manual:faq:how_to_add_map_shading#where_to_get_them|here >>]]
==== Map color mode ====
Enables adjusting colors of active map:
* **Night mode** - inverts colors of displayed map:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings_25.gif?nolink |}} It is possible to change map color automatically (based on daily time).
* **Low contrast** - decreases contrast of displayed maps
* **High contrast** - increases contrast of displayed maps