====== Geocaching Field Notes ====== ===== Basic information ===== Since the version 3.2.0, Locus Map offers full access to user's field notes. For this access a system called [[http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html|Content provider]] is used. You don't have to be too skilled with it. Most of required work is already done in Locus API and you may (and it's suggested) use already pre-prepared functions. ===== How to ===== To access **field notes** in read or write mode, you need * Installed Locus API in your IDE and added dependency to your new/existing project. More in [[manual:advanced:locus_api:installation|Installation manual]]. * Permission in your //AndroidManifest.xml// file. __For read only access__ **** __For read/write access__ **** ==== Possibilities ==== Field notes in Locus are stored in SQLite databases, so all queries sent over Locus API to content provider may be defined in probably well known way for you - same as a query to SQLite database. **What is possible** * GET, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries on FieldNotes * GET, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries on FieldNote images To use basic features check [[https://bitbucket.org/asamm/locus-api-android/src/6b45a152967b4ffd4d294b186f8bd249fc91ff0a/src/locus/api/android/features/geocaching/fieldNotes/FieldNotesHelper.java|FieldNotesHelper.java]] class. __Here are three very important parts:__ * Static classes that contain names of possible field notes columns. These are used in all specific requests. * Static helper functions for basic operations over content provider. Of course you may write your own functions if you require more specific requests. * Static functions for some other tasks. For example requests on "log certain field notes over //Groundspeak Live API//".