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manual:user_guide:geocaching:tools [2015/04/28 14:08] mstupkamanual:user_guide:geocaching:tools [2023/12/28 12:51] (current) mstupka
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 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
-<wrap box>Menu > More > Geocaching tools</wrap>+<wrap box>Menu > More functions > Geocaching tools</wrap>
 Geocaching tools contain many useful options for some special geocaching cases: Geocaching tools contain many useful options for some special geocaching cases:
   * Graphic computations - for better solving some of mystery caches   * Graphic computations - for better solving some of mystery caches
   * 161 m circles around caches - to secure a correct radius from another cache when creating a new one. More about this see [[|here >>]]   * 161 m circles around caches - to secure a correct radius from another cache when creating a new one. More about this see [[|here >>]]
-  * Already created field notes check+  * Already created field notes check and login
   * etc.   * etc.
-===== Tools ===== +===== Geocaching LIVE! ===== 
-  {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching4.png?nolink|}}**Load Pocket Queries** - see [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#pocket_query|Pocket Queries]] in Import chapter. <wrap info>This option is available only to Locus Map Pro users</wrap> +{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching4.png?nolink |}} 
-  * **Log trackable** - enables logging found trackable item directly from the app (internet connection required). <wrap info>This option is available only to Locus Map Pro users.</wrap> [[|More about trackables >>]] +  * **Load Pocket Queries** - see [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:import#pocket_query|Pocket Queries]] in Import chapter. 
-  * **Draw circle** - draws a circle with defined radius and color/opacity around any [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|selected place on the map]] +  * **Log trackable** - enables logging found trackable item directly from the app (internet connection required).[[|More about trackables >>]] 
-  * **Line tools** - draws a line between two [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|defined coordinates]] or calculates an intersection point of two lines + 
-  * **Middle point** - sets [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|location]] of two points and calculates exact center between them +===== Geocaching tools ===== 
-  * **Projection** - calculates a new point if its distance and azimuth is known and draws it on the map. This function is available also in [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|Location selector]].+{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching6.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Logs manager** - Locus Map can log your geocaches offline in drafts (field notes) that can be logged online later. This is the place where the drafts (field notes) can be simply managed, e.g. exported in a file or logged in website.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:fieldnotes_mng.png?nolink& |}}\\ You can control which drafts you want to visualize in the topbar menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:fieldnotes_mng2.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Draw circle** - draws a circle with defined radius and color/opacity around any [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|selected place on the map]]\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools01.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Line tools** - draws a line between two [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|defined coordinates]] or calculates an intersection point of two lines\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools02.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Middle point** - sets [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|location]] of two points and calculates exact center between them\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools03.png?nolink |}} 
 +  * **Projection** - calculates a new point from its distance and azimuth from your location and draws it on the map. This function is available also in [[manual:user_guide:tools:location|Location selector]].\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools04.png?nolink |}}
   * **Load all waypoints** - displays all waypoints of visible geocaches on the map   * **Load all waypoints** - displays all waypoints of visible geocaches on the map
-  * **Cache radius limit** - according to rules, physical parts of individual geocaches may be placed at least 528ft/161m from each other. This function helps visualize such area. More about this see [[|here >>]]+  * **Cache radius limit** - according to rules, physical parts of individual geocaches may be placed at least 528ft/161m from each other. This function helps visualize such area. Locus asks which geocaches you want to highlight and offers your folder structure.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_tools05.png?nolink |}}\\ To remove the circles, turn this feature on and re-select the same cache folder. More about geocaching guidelines [[|here >>]]
-<WRAP round important >+<WRAP round info >
 **How to remove items drawn by the geocaching tools:** **How to remove items drawn by the geocaching tools:**
-  * tap the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hide_alt.png?nolink&30|}} //Hide items// button in //Data manager/Items tab// or +  * tap the {{:manual:user_guide:ic_hide_alt.png?nolink&30|}} //Hide temp map items// button in **[[manual:user_guide:items:management|Map items]]** screen topbar or 
-  * long-tap the //Data manager// button on the map screen and select //Remove temp map items// or +  * long-tap the //Data manager// button in the //[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|Function panel]]// and select //Hide temp map items// or 
-  * add //Remove temp map items// button to the //[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|Function panel]]//+  * add //Hide temp map items// button directly to your //[[manual:user_guide:functions:panel|Function panel]]//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +{{:manual:user_guide:ic_gc_offlinizer_alt.png?nolink&30 |}}
 +===== Geocaching offlinizer =====
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:geocaching:geocaching_offlinizer.png |}}
 +**Geocaching Offlinizer** is abbreviation of a more accurate **Geocaching Image Offlinizer**. The feature is not among other geocaching tools but can be found in a **Geocache detail screen** under [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_in_locus#main_menu|side geocaching menu]] or, in case of selecting more caches, in the tools menu in the bottom bar of the [[manual:user_guide:points:management|point manager]]. To make it work follow these instructions:
 +  * in Geocache Folder select caches you want to "offlinize"
 +  * choose **GC Offlinizer** from the tools menu and a new dialog pops
 +  * if you just want to download images that are included in cache listings do not check //Live API//. It is also much faster.
 +  * if you need also spoilers or you are not sure if listings are complete or contain links to all images, use //Live API//. This action requires valid //Geocaching Live// login.
 +  * if you just want to download spoilers, you have to use //Live API// and check **Only spoilers**.
 +==== Data storage ====
 +  * all downloaded images are stored in //Locus/data/geocaching// directory
 +  * a new tab **Images** is added to [[manual:user_guide:geocaching:gc_in_locus&#geocache_detail_screen|Geocache Detail screen]], containing all downloaded images of the cache
 +<WRAP round tip >It is recommended to clear unused images (that remain in your phone memory when you delete caches from Locus database) from time to time. Go to **Settings > Miscellaneous > Clear temporary data** and select **Unneeded geocaching data** or **Unused attachments**.
manual/user_guide/geocaching/tools.1430222915.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/28 14:08 (external edit)