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manual:user_guide:functions:poi_alert [2015/06/11 13:27] mstupkamanual:user_guide:functions:poi_alert [2022/04/08 15:44] (current) mstupka
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-{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_poi_alert_alt.png?nolink|}}====== POI alert ======+{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_poi_alert_alt.png?nolink|}} 
 +====== Point alert ======
 ---- ----
-<wrap info>This feature is available in Locus Map Pro only </wrap> 
-===== About ===== 
-<wrap box>Menu > More > POI Alert</wrap> 
-This feature enables you to be alerted whenever a point of your interest comes near you. Just put your phone in your pocket and enjoy the landscape without all-time staring in the map.  
-===== POI Alert Dialog ===== +===== What is it for=====
-{{ :manual:user_guide:poialert.png?nolink |}}The dialog window is divided into three tabs: +
-==== Basic tab ==== +
-  * **Distance** - sets the distance in meters from a defined POI to trigger the alert +
-  * **Type of notification** - check to switch sound/vibration notifications on/off (visual notification on map stays on) and select between two types: +
-    * //Notify once// - the alert goes on only once +
-    * //Notify until stopped// - notification repeats in defined intervals until abolished manually (press STOP on screen) or out of predefined distance from the POI.  +
-  * **Pause between notifications** - relevant for "notify until stopped" - sets the interval in seconds +
-==== Notification tab ==== +
-  * {{ :manual:user_guide:poialert2.png?nolink |}}**Settings of sound** +
-    * //Disable// - all sounds are disabled, notification is made by the device screen and vibrator only +
-    * //Beep// - notification by a beeping sound. It is possible to set number of beeps (1-10) +
-    * //Choose sound// - select any sound stored in your device memory +
-    * //Text-to-speech// - enables voice notifications rendered from predefined text commands +
-Tap **Play** to check your sound settings. +
-  * **Settings of vibration** - visible only when the device is equipped by a vibrator (mainly mobile phones) +
-    * //Disable// - the device does not vibrate on notifications +
-    * //Pattern// - sets notification vibrating pattern, using three symbols: '.' for 200 miliseconds vibration, '-' for 500 miliseconds vibration and ' ' (space) for 500 miliseconds of silence. +
-Tap **Play** to check your vibration settings. +This feature **notifies** you (with beeping, a custom sound, vibration or a voice phrase) **when a point from a selected folder** of your user points **is nearby** (in the defined distance). Thanks to it, you don't have to check on the map all the time for geocaches near your hiking route, for example.
-==== Folders tab ==== +
-This tab specifies which POIs you will be notified of. Displays all folders form your Data manager Points tab: +
-  * **topbar** - contains {{:manual:user_guide:ic_quick_switch_alt.png?nolink&30|}} button to select all folders in the points tab +
-  * **list of folders** - check/uncheck folders on which you will be alerted+
-===== Instructions of use ===== +<wrap important>Point alert does not notify of [[manual:user_guide:points:locus_maps_pois|LoPoints]]. </wrap> 
-  * Make necessary settings and tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_ok_alt.png?nolink&30|}}OK button in topbar +===== How to set it up? ===== 
-<WRAP round tip > +==== 1. Select points ==== 
-When the POI alert function is on an icon in the system topbar indicates its activity and the information on the set distance. +  * open **Folders** tab:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:poialert3.png?nolink |}}\\  
-</WRAP>+  * check the **folder with points** you want to be **notified of** 
 +==== 2. Set distance and alarm frequency ==== 
 +  * open **Basic** tab: \\ {{ :manual:user_guide:poialert.png?nolink |}}\\  
 +  * **Distance** - set how far from the selected point Locus starts the alert 
 +  * **Notify when point is in range** - check to switch sound/vibration notifications on/off (visual notification on map stays on) 
 +  * **Notify once** - the alert goes on only once 
 +  * **Notify until stopped** - notification repeats in defined interval until stopped manually (red STOP button on screen) or when you're out of the alert distance.  
 +==== 3. Set type of notification ==== 
 +Open **Notification** tab:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:poialert2.png?nolink |}}\\  
 +=== Settings of sound ===
-  * if you select //Notify once// methodyou will be notified only once of the selected point. The feature remains active. +  * **Disable** - all sounds are disabled, only screen and vibration alert work 
-  * if you select //Notify until stopped// the notification will repeat in time intervals until you stop it manually tapping the STOP button on your screen. The function remains active +  * **Beep** - select number of beeps (1-10) 
-  * POI alert not only **makes sound and vibration alert** but also **highlights affected points** to distinguish easily which points you are alerted of +  * **Select sound** - select any sound stored in your device memory 
-  * to stop or edit POI alert functiongo to //Menu > More > POI alert// again and select //Cancel// or //Edit//+  * **Text-to-speech** - enables voice prompts notifying of the name, distance, and direction of the point\\ Tap **Play** to check your sound settings. 
- +=== Settings of vibration === 
-<wrap important>POI alert does not notify of [[manual:user_guide:points:locus_maps_pois|Locus Maps POI]]</wrap>+Visible only when the vibrator is present (mainly in mobile phones) 
 +  * **Disable** - the device does not vibrate on notifications 
 +  * **Pattern** - set notification vibrating pattern, using three symbols: '.' for 200 milliseconds vibrations, '-' for 500 milliseconds vibrations and ' ' (space) for 500 milliseconds of silence.\\ Tap **Play** to check your vibration settings. 
 +==== 4. Tap START in the topbar ==== 
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:functions:poialert4.png?nolink |}} 
 +===== Setup change and point alert stop ===== 
 +Point alert setup can be changed anytimeeven when the feature is running
 +  * scroll down your system toolbar and tap the point alert notification\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:poialert5.jpg?nolink |}}\\ OR tap the point alert button in Locus menu:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:poialert6.jpg?nolink |}} 
 +  * select **Edit** - you can change distance, type of notification and point folders. Then tap START again for the changes to take effect.  
 +  * tap **Terminate** to stop the point alert
manual/user_guide/functions/poi_alert.1434022050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/11 13:27 by mstupka