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manual:user_guide:settings:control [2018/08/17 10:55] – [FullScreen] kech61manual:user_guide:settings:control [2022/04/01 10:07] – external edit
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-{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_settings_alt.png?nolink|}} +{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_settings_alt.png?nolink|}}====== Controlling ======
-====== Steuerung ====== +
-**Übersetzung in Arbeit**+
 ---- ----
-===== Anzeige =====+===== Display =====
 ---- ----
- +==== Advertisement ==== 
- +<wrap info>This item is visible in Locus Map Free version only</wrap>\\  
-==== Werbung ==== +Un-checking offers **purchase** of banner-free **Locus Map Pro** version:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_01.gif?nolink |}} 
-\\ +==== FullScreen ==== 
-<wrap info> Dieser Menüpunkt ist nur Locus Free zu sehen</wrap>\\  +Hides system panel at the top (or bottomof the screen to enlarge the map area:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_02.gif?nolink |}}
-Wenn Sie dieses Häkchen abwählen erscheint ein Hinweis zum **Kauf** der werbefreien **Locus Map Pro** Version:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_01.gif?nolink |}} +
-==== Vollbild ==== +
-Blendet die Infoleiste am oberen (oder unterenBildschirmrand aus und die Karttenanzeige von Locus nimmt den ganzen Bildschirm ein:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_02.gif?nolink |}}+
 ==== Orientation Lock ==== ==== Orientation Lock ====
 Eliminates rotating of the display depending on the phone position. Eliminates rotating of the display depending on the phone position.
Line 31: Line 26:
 ==== Screen On/Off Control ==== ==== Screen On/Off Control ====
-<WRAP round info>This option overrides system screen on/off settings. It is available in **Locus Map Pro only**. </WRAP>+<WRAP round info> 
 +  * This option overrides system screen on/off settings. 
 +  * It is available in **Locus Map Pro only**. 
 +  * Requires system permission for app notifications. 
 +  * Requires system administrator permission. 
 + </WRAP>
 Defines situations when the **screen is turned on/off by gestures or the app itself**.  Defines situations when the **screen is turned on/off by gestures or the app itself**. 
Line 56: Line 56:
 ==== Always screen on ==== ==== Always screen on ====
-<WRAP round info>The option overrides system screen on/off setting but does not influence the settings made by the //Screen on/off control// feature. It is available only in **Locus Map Pro**.</WRAP>+<WRAP round info>The option overrides the Android system screen on/off setting but does not influence the settings made by Locus //Screen on/off control// feature. It is available only in **Locus Map Pro**.</WRAP>
 Locus Map prevents the phone screen from turning off: Locus Map prevents the phone screen from turning off:
   * **Always** - permanent screen on   * **Always** - permanent screen on
Line 73: Line 73:
 ==== Map control style ==== ==== Map control style ====
 Select mode of basic map controlling: Select mode of basic map controlling:
-  * **Locus Map** mode - double tap shows hidden menu +  * **Locus Map** mode - double tap shows hidden panels 
-  * **Google Maps** mode - double tap = zoom in, two fingers tap = zoom out, three fingers tap = hidden menu +  * **Google Maps** mode - double tap = zoom in, two fingers tap = zoom out, one single finger tap = show hidden panels 
-==== Use hardware buttons ==== +==== Use hardware controllers ==== 
-Volume controlling hardware buttons can be used to zoom the map.  +Locus Map can be controlled by local or external buttons and other controllers: 
- +  * **Disabled** - Locus can be controlled only via the device screen 
-Phones with hardware or Bluetooth keyboard can be also controlled by letters **C** - map centering, **D** - display, **G** - GPS, **arrow buttons** - map shift, **+/-** - zooming. +  * **Enabled** - volume controlling hardware buttons can be used to zoom the map. Phones with hardware or Bluetooth keyboard can be also controlled by letters **C** - map centering, **D** - display, **G** - GPS, **arrow buttons** - map shift, **+/-** - zooming.  
 +  * **Carpe Iter** - mode enabling control via a third party interface 
 +  * **WunderLINQ** - mode enabling control via a third party interface
 ==== Simple multi-touch ==== ==== Simple multi-touch ====
Line 87: Line 89:
 It moves the map screen cursor down by 1/4 of the screen. Functional only with the map rotation on. Useful especially for guiding or navigation:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_04.gif?nolink |}} It moves the map screen cursor down by 1/4 of the screen. Functional only with the map rotation on. Useful especially for guiding or navigation:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_04.gif?nolink |}}
 ==== Hold map center ==== ==== Hold map center ====
-If you shift the map out of your current position when browsing it, this function centers it back on current GPS location after 5 secs of inactivity:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_05.gif?nolink |}}\\ (the interval can be changed in [[manual:advanced:customization:config|Locus/Config.cfg file]])+If you shift the map out of your current position when browsing it, this function centers it back on current GPS location after 5 secs of inactivity:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_05.gif?nolink |}}\\ (the interval can be changed in the [[manual:advanced:customization:config|Expert settings]])
 ==== Two finger measuring ==== ==== Two finger measuring ====
 Enables measuring distance between two fingers touching the screen:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_06.png?nolink |}} Enables measuring distance between two fingers touching the screen:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_06.png?nolink |}}
Line 93: Line 95:
 ==== Map cursors ==== ==== Map cursors ====
 Here you can select set of location and tracking cursors, set their size or add your own. Here you can select set of location and tracking cursors, set their size or add your own.
-==== Zoom according to speed ==== +==== Automatic zooming ==== 
-Sets association between speed and displayed map zooms. Bigger zooms for slow speeds and vice versa. Useful for navigation and guidance. +Sets association between speed or distance from a navigated target and displayed map zooms. Bigger zooms for slow speeds/closer distance and vice versa. Useful for navigation and guidance. 
-  * select map zoom on the preview map +  * tap a line with speed and map scale 
-  * define corresponding speed +  * define corresponding speed and select map zoom on the preview map 
-  * tap ADD+  * tap SAVE (repeat steps 1-3 with each speed/zoom level):\\ \\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_07.gif?nolink |}}\\ \\  
 +  * tap {{:manual:user_guide:ic_delete_alt.png?nolink&30|}} to delete a speed/zoom level 
 +  * tap {{:manual:user_guide:tracks:add.png?nolink&30|}} to add a new speed/zoom level 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_07.gif?nolink |}} 
 ===== Panels & buttons ===== ===== Panels & buttons =====
 ==== Set Functions Panels ==== ==== Set Functions Panels ====
Line 106: Line 110:
 Position of the buttons can be changed by **dragging their  icons up or down across both panels**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_09.gif?nolink |}} The sign in the upper right corner of all items indicates position in top or right panel. Action menu{{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_alt.png?nolink&30|}}offers to change button function or remove selected button:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_10.png?nolink |}} Position of the buttons can be changed by **dragging their  icons up or down across both panels**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_09.gif?nolink |}} The sign in the upper right corner of all items indicates position in top or right panel. Action menu{{:manual:user_guide:ic_more_ver_alt.png?nolink&30|}}offers to change button function or remove selected button:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_10.png?nolink |}}
 +=== Automatic button placing ===
 +Use this if you have a tablet or bigger screen or you rotate the screen often. It **connects the two panels into a flexible one**:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:fcepanel02.gif?nolink |}}
 === Add new item === === Add new item ===
   * **Add function to panel** - adds a new button with selected function to the functions panels:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_11.gif?nolink |}}   * **Add function to panel** - adds a new button with selected function to the functions panels:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_11.gif?nolink |}}
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 ==== Top Panel Hiding ==== ==== Top Panel Hiding ====
-Hides the top panel when inactive. Double tapping on the map displays it back provided the //Map control style// is set to //Locus Map// mode. Three-finger tap to display it if you use the //Google// mode.+Hides the top panel when inactive for some time (the timeout can be set, see below). Double tapping on the map displays it back provided the //Map control style// is set to //Locus Map// mode. Single tap to display it if you use the //Google// mode.
 ==== Bottom Panel Hiding ==== ==== Bottom Panel Hiding ====
-Hides the bottom panel when inactive. Double tapping on the map displays it back provided the //Map control style// is set to //Locus Map// mode. Three-finger tap to display it if you use the //Google// mode.+Hides the bottom panel when inactive for some time (the timeout can be set, see below). Double tapping on the map displays it back provided the //Map control style// is set to //Locus Map// mode. Single tap to display it if you use the //Google// mode.
 ==== Right panel hiding ==== ==== Right panel hiding ====
-Hides the right panel when inactive. Double tapping on the map displays it back provided the //Map control style// is set to //Locus Map// mode. Three-finger tap to display it if you use the //Google// mode.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_17.gif?nolink |}}+Hides the right panel when inactive for some time (the timeout can be set, see below). Double tapping on the map displays it back provided the //Map control style// is set to //Locus Map// mode. Single tap to display it if you use the //Google// mode.\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:settings:settings_17.gif?nolink |}}
 ==== Panels vs Screen Orientation ====  ==== Panels vs Screen Orientation ==== 
-If the hiding of panels is on, it sets their further behavior depending on the screen orientation:+If the hiding of panels is turned on, this setting configures panels' further behavior depending on the screen orientation:
   * **Both** - panels hide in both landscape and portrait modes   * **Both** - panels hide in both landscape and portrait modes
   * **Landscape mode** - panels hide in landscape mode only   * **Landscape mode** - panels hide in landscape mode only
manual/user_guide/settings/control.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/05 11:20 by mstupka