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Confirm on exit<html><br></html> Displays confirmation dialog on exiting Locus Map by the back button (if left unchecked Locus Map can be closed by double-tap on the “back” button).

Locus Map as a service<html><br></html> Increases system priority of Locus Map and secures it against automatic system task killing.

Default directories<html><br></html> Allows customizing Locus Map default working directories, including root directory, maps directory etc.

Since Android 4.4.2. it is not recommended to place Locus working directories on SD card as it is READ ONLY. Some restrictions were aborted in Android 5.0, Locus Map version 3.11.2. More about this here >>


Enable periodic updates for Add-ons<html><br></html> Locus API for developers enables creating various Locus add-ons for many off-core functions. Most of them need to receive periodical information about map center location, GPS, recorded distance etc., for example Geocaching4Locus add-on that is very important for importing geocaches to Locus Map.

Clear temporary data<html><br></html> Deletes temporary storage folders:

  • Temporary files - deletes cache directory
  • Cache of online maps - deletes all cached online map tiles
  • Unneeded geocaching data - deletes all cached data of geocache points that have been removed before
  • Unused attachments - deletes all data linked to previously removed points

Warning: after performing this procedure all icons will have to be re-uploaded and new map initialization files will have to be created

Source of address search<html><br></html> Enables selecting from various address searching engines:

  • Google - default search engine. Returns very precise data but is functional only on devices officially supported by Google and associated with a Google account.
  • MapQuest - returns less precise data than Google in most cases but is functional on all devices
  • Bing - another alternative to Google by Microsoft

Audio stream<html><br></html> Selects audio channel for notifications:

  • Music stream
  • Notification stream

Reset preferences<html><br></html> Resets all settings to default state after Locus Map installation.

Data import

Check duplicates<html><br></html> Enables checking duplicates of points or geocaches during POI import. Due to this check the import is a little bit slower.

Track color and transparency<html><br></html> Sets default color of all recorded, imported or manually created tracks.

Track width<html><br></html> Sets width of all recorded, imported and manually created tracks.

Data export

Overwrite data<html><br></html> Allows overwriting already exported data files (points or tracks).

manual/user_guide/settings/misc.1439553051.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/14 13:50 (external edit)