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  • This feature is available in Locus Map Pro only.


Dashboard is an additional touch-irresponsive layer that can overlay Locus main screen. It can display various information useful e.g. for sportstracking, geocaching etc. Its main advantage is to provide user with both map and other information at once.

There are several pre-installed dashboards available in Locus Map, others can be downloaded and it is possible to create own dashboards.

Instructions of Use

  • Menu > More > Dashboard
  • first start - requires installing default themes
  • theme selection window - select from ready-made themes. All themes are editable in the dashboard editor (see below).

It is strongly recommended to insert the dashboard button to the Functions panel

  • Menu > Settings > Map - control&panels > Set functions panels
  • short tap - switches selected dashboard on/off
  • long tap - offers dashboard selection

Dashboard Editor

If you are not content with the ready-made dashboard offer you can create one precisely according to your needs.

  • Menu > More > Dashboard Editor
  • select from following:
    • start creating a new dashboard from a scratch
    • use an existing dashboard as a template that you can either edit or save as a new theme

Creating a new dashboard from a scratch

  • insert name of the new dashboard
  • a basic grid of editable fields appears - layout of rows and columns (can be modified later)
  • each field can contain some data - plain text or a function output - speed, distance, elevation etc.
  • tap a field to add an item - Select source window appears

Select source

The window offers two tabs of functions:

  • Basic items - select empty item, text label or one of many Locus Map functions
  • Various items - contain track recording controls and charts

- select an item, it appears in the selected field. Tap it again to display the tools window:


  • Add new item - adds a new item field on the left, right, above or below the selected item
  • Work with items:
    • change item - displays selection of function outputs to replace the current one
    • edit item - settings of visibility of texts, icons, units, text appearance, icon appearance and positioning, text and unit align, background color, shape, size, padding, margin of the item. All can be checked on the item real-time preview
    • copy style&paste style - useful when cloning items, especially when editing already existing theme
    • delete item - deletes the field and its content - its space is taken by surrounding items
  • Work with rows
    • edit row - sets whole row background color, shape and size
    • copy&paste style - useful when cloning whole rows, especially when editing already existing theme
    • delete row - deletes all fields and their contents - their space is taken by rows above or below
  • topbar
    • settings - edit dashboard name, description and other dashboard details
    • save as… - insert a new name or overwrite already existing theme
    • delete - deletes the dashboard

Using an existing dashboard as a template

The principle of editing is the same as when creating a new dashboard but the main layout and some formatting is already done. Just select one from offered themes and edit it, overwrite it or select Save as… to create a new theme.

manual/user_guide/tools/dashboards.1427897781.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/01 16:16 (external edit)