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Contacting Locus Team

I've got a question, where can I ask?

  1. first, try to find your answer in our User Guide >>. If you don't have time or energy for browsing, try SEARCH:
    Search here!
  2. if User Guide or searching didn't bring any help, visit our HELPLDESK >>
  3. try to find your answer among other similar questions (don't miss the search box ;-))
  4. still nothing? Then insert your own question here >> and click Submit. Someone answers it for sure!

I've got a problem, whom to ask for advice?

If it doesn't mean that Locus Map crashed or stopped responding, try this:

  1. visit our HELPDESK and try to find out if somebody else has already reported the same trouble (don't miss the search box ;-))
  2. if you find nothing of that sort, make your own problem report >> and click Submit. Someone will solve it immediately.

I've got an idea how to improve Locus. Whom should I tell?

Many ideas that pushed our app forward a lot came from its users. This is the best way how to tell us and the Locus community:

  1. visit our HELPDESK and find out if there hasn't already been someone with the same genial idea before (don't miss the search box ;-))
  2. if not, don't hesitate and post your own idea as a new topic!
  3. your idea has started to collect votes from other users who like it as much as you do
  4. the more collected votes, the higher probability that the idea will come into reality!
manual/faq/question.1430917219.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/06 15:00 (external edit)