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How to get offline maps into my Locus Map?

  • Locus Map offers a really wide range of maps from various providers to display or download (and many more are coming soon). When you switch the Maps menu on, there are four tabs - Online, Personal, Vector and WMS.

At first it will do to have a look at the Online Maps, many of them can be easily downloaded to use offline. For example if you are a fan of the Open Street maps, select one of the World or Regional OSM maps, e.g. Hike&Bike, and tap the ………… settings button on the right. A menu appears, choose Download and then one of the area options - This screen downloads the map you are just seeing on your mobile screen, Select area allows you to fine-tune your area selection. Actually there are also other options but let's talk about them later.

When you make your selection it's time to choose zooms of your map by a simple scroll bar with two buttons, then confirm another dialog box and the download begins. After completing the process your map appears in the Personal tab in the Maps manager. There you can tap it and set out for your bike trip.

manual/basics/offlinemaps.1429687867.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/22 09:31 (external edit)