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manual:user_guide:points:about [2018/04/30 15:26] mstupkamanual:user_guide:points:about [2018/06/05 14:48] (current) mstupka
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-Points in Locus Map, often referred to as **Points of Interest** or abbreviated **POIs** are georeferenced information packages displayed above the map. In general, they represent items like monuments, theaters, museums, pubs, hotels and also geocaches. In Locus Map there are **two main categories** of POIs:+Points in Locus Map, often referred to as **Points of Interest** or abbreviated **POIs** are georeferenced information packages displayed above the map. In Locus Mapthere are **two main categories** of POIs:
   * **User Points**   * **User Points**
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 ===== User Points ===== ===== User Points =====
-This category of points is handled as **independent on map** and is **added to the app by Locus user**. These points can be **downloaded** from database sources around the world (e.g. geocaches from [[|]]) or **[[manual:user_guide:points:import|imported]]**  from your device. They can be **[[manual:user_guide:points:add|created]]**  on the spot or **photographed**. They are **managed**  in the [[:manual:user_guide:points:management|Points manager]], can be **stored**  in folders, **grouped**, **sorted**, **filtered**  and **edited**  in many ways.+This category of points is handled as independent on map and is **added to the app by Locus user**. These points can be **downloaded** from database sources around the world (e.g. **geocaches from [[|]]**) or **[[manual:user_guide:points:import|imported]]**  from your device. They can be **[[manual:user_guide:points:add|created]]**  on the spot or **photographed**. They are **managed**  in the [[:manual:user_guide:points:management|Points manager]], can be **stored** in folders, **grouped**, **sorted**, **filtered**  and **edited**  in many ways.
 {{  :manual:user_guide:poi_indep.png?direct&250  }} {{  :manual:user_guide:poi_indep.png?direct&250  }}
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 ===== LoMaps Points of Interest ===== ===== LoMaps Points of Interest =====
-The other category of points are an integral part of **[[manual:user_guide:maps_locusmaps:|LoMaps]]**. They are a direct output of OpenStreetMap database and carry a lot of information about almost all point objects on the map, beginning with //hill peaks, church monuments and other landmarks//  and ending with civil facilities like //post offices, ATMs, gas stations etc.//  These Points of Interest can not be created, deleted, renamed or otherwise manipulated but you can be [[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance|guided]] or [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:|navigated]] to them, you can [[manual:user_guide:functions:share|share]] them, copy them etc.+The other category of points are an integral part of **[[manual:user_guide:maps_locusmaps:|LoMaps]]**. They are a direct output of OpenStreetMap database and carry a lot of information about almost all point objects on the map, beginning with **hill peaks, church monuments and other landmarks**  and ending with civil facilities like **post offices, ATMs, gas stations etc.**  These Points of Interest can not be created, deleted, renamed or otherwise manipulated but you can be [[manual:user_guide:functions:guidance|guided]] or [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:|navigated]] to them, you can [[manual:user_guide:functions:share|share]] them, copy them etc.
-{{  :manual:user_guide:poi_locus.png?direct&250  }}<WRAP round tip > It is possible to display these points above any other map - just tap //Menu > More functions > Points of Interest (BETA)//  and choose any category. However, it is necessary to have LoMaps of the same area downloaded. </WRAP>+{{  :manual:user_guide:poi_locus.png?direct&250  }}<WRAP round tip > It is possible to display these points above any other map - just tap **Menu > More functions > [[manual:user_guide:points:locus_maps_pois|Points of Interest(BETA)]]**  and choose any category. However, it is necessary to have LoMaps of the same area downloaded. </WRAP>
manual/user_guide/points/about.1525094813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/30 15:26 (external edit)