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manual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlays [2015/02/25 14:34] – ToDo checked: FIXME mstupkamanual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlays [2022/04/08 12:05] (current) mstupka
Line 1: Line 1:
 +{{  :manual:user_guide:ic_map_overlay_alt.png?nolink&}}
 ====== Map Overlays ====== ====== Map Overlays ======
 ---- ----
 ===== About ===== ===== About =====
-This feature enables laying **two maps over each other** in semi-transparent mode so that it is possible to compare their details, coverage, accuracy etc. <wrap info>This option is available only to Locus Map Pro users.</wrap> 
-===== 1. Select your background map ===== 
-Choose from your map portfolio: 
-  * //Online maps// 
-  * //Personal maps// 
-  * //Locus Maps// 
 +  * <wrap box>Menu > More functions > Map Overlays</wrap>
 +This feature enables laying **two maps over each other**  in semi-transparent mode so that it is possible to compare their details, coverage, accuracy etc. or two maps can complement each other.
 +===== 1. Select your base map =====
 +Choose from your [[:manual:user_guide:maps_mmanager|Map manager]]:
 +  * //Online maps//  - all
 +  * //Offline maps//  - vector maps (.MAP format), MBT, GEMF and some SQLite databases (Orux SQLite and other formats are not supported)
 ===== 2. Select your overlay map ===== ===== 2. Select your overlay map =====
-Select the function in //Menu > More > Map Overlays//. Again you can choose any map available in the **Maps Manager**. 
-===== 3. Set opacity ===== 
-Adjust opacity with the //slider// from opaque to transparent. 
-Close the dialog and enjoy your two maps overlaid.+  * Start the feature in //Menu > More functions > Map Overlays//
 +  * Switch it on. 
 +  * Select the overlay map - online or offline - the same formats as for the base map are supported. \\ {{  :manual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlay.png?nolink&  }} 
 +===== 3. Set visibility and blend mode ===== 
 +  * Adjust //visibility//  with the //slider//  from opaque to transparent. 
 +  * //Blend mode//  of the two maps is disabled by default. If necessary, select one from the menu - try which one suits you the best. Here are a few examples:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:maps_tools:blend_modes.png?nolink&350 |}}\\ [[|More about blend modes used in Locus map >>]]\\  
 +  * Close the dialog. 
 +{{  :manual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlay1.png?nolink&  }}If you want to **switch the function off**, switch it off (or tap //Remove//) in the **Overlay settings dialog**  and close the window.
-If you want to switch the function off, tap //Remove// and close the window 
 ===== Example ===== ===== Example =====
-<todo #mstupka:2015-02-25>FIXME</todo> 
- +LoMaps center of Prague with and without satellite image map overlay: 
 +{{  :manual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlay2.png  }} 
 +{{  :manual:user_guide:maps_tools:overlay3.png  }} 
manual/user_guide/maps_tools/overlays.1424871283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/25 13:34 (external edit)