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manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:settings [2019/10/11 16:21] mstupkamanual:user_guide:functions:navigation:settings [2022/06/28 14:18] (current) – [OFFLINE] mstupka
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 ---- ----
-===== Global =====+===== Router =====
-==== Navigation Data Source ==== +Locus Map does not contain its own service for calculating routes. Therefore, **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning|Route planner]]** and **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:point-to-point|Navigate to]]** features cooperate with **third party routers**. Each router has specific properties, some is functional online-only, some works offline (after downloading offline navigation data):
- +
-Locus Map does not contain its own service for calculating routes. Therefore, **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:planning|Route planner]]** and **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:point-to-point|Navigate to]]** features cooperate with third party routing engines - **navigation data sources**. Each source has specific properties, some is functional online-only, some works offline (after downloading offline navigation data):+
 {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset01.png?nolink |}} {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset01.png?nolink |}}
-=== ONLINE === +==== ONLINE ==== 
-  * **[[|GraphHopper]]** - very fast and data-efficient routing service. Suitable for all ordinary outdoor activites - three kinds of bike profiles: **cycle**, **MTB** and **racing** and two types of walk profiles: **walk** and **hike**. GraphHopper offers also a **car** navigation profile. +  * **[[|GraphHopper]]** - very fast and data-efficient routing service. Suitable for all ordinary outdoor activities - three kinds of bike profiles: **cycle**, **MTB** and **racing** and two types of walk profiles: **walk** and **hike**. GraphHopper offers also a **car** navigation profile with sub-settings - avoiding highways, tolls, and ferries
-  * **[[|YOURS]]**- open source routing engine offers point-to-point route calculation suitable for guidance without voice commands. Very good results in calculating bike routes.+  * **[[|YOURS]]**- open source routing engine offers point-to-point route calculation suitable for guidance without voice commands. It has very good results in calculating **bike routes** (fast/short) but can be used also in a car (fast/short routes too).
 <WRAP round info>Interesting comparison of OpenStreetMap online routing engines can be found [[|here >>]] </WRAP> <WRAP round info>Interesting comparison of OpenStreetMap online routing engines can be found [[|here >>]] </WRAP>
-=== OFFLINE ===+==== OFFLINE ====
-  * **[[|BRouter]]** - this service requires installation of an independent application **BRouter** and downloading offline navigation data: +  * **[[|BRouter]]** - external offline router - requires the installation of an independent application **BRouter** and downloading offline navigation data: 
-    * launch BRouter from your device\\ \\ {{ :manual:faq:navigation_offline01.png?nolink |}}+    * launch BRouter\\ \\ {{ :manual:faq:navigation_offline01.png?nolink |}}
     * select Download manager\\ \\ {{ :manual:faq:navigation_offline02.png?nolink |}}     * select Download manager\\ \\ {{ :manual:faq:navigation_offline02.png?nolink |}}
     * zoom in and select the area you need for offline routing\\ \\ {{ :manual:faq:navigation_offline03.png?nolink |}}     * zoom in and select the area you need for offline routing\\ \\ {{ :manual:faq:navigation_offline03.png?nolink |}}
     * Confirm downloading of the selected data file.     * Confirm downloading of the selected data file.
-Offline routing engine BRouter offers much more sophisticated profile settings than any other services. Not only you can add more conditions relevant to various means of transport,+BRouter offers many more routing profiles with additional configuration:
 {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace18.png?nolink |}} {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace18.png?nolink |}}
-you can also change the profile selection:+You can also change the profile selection:
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace19.gif |}}
 +=== Advanced settings ===
 {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace19.png?nolink |}} {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace19.png?nolink |}}
- +With these, you can link external profiles to the in-app selection: 
-{{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace20.png?nolink |}} +  * tap an in-app profile and select the corresponding external profile from the roll-out selection:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:navigace20.gif?nolink |}} 
- +  * rename the in-app profile, if necessary 
-BRouter can be used also with custom (non-Locus) profiles which is a bit advanced problematicsMore info can be found [[|here >>]] +<WRAP center round tip> 
 +**External profiles** - besides the BRouter profiles embedded directly in Locus, it is also possible to use profiles provided by BRouter developer or by other users**[[|Poutnik's GitHub page]]** provides further information as well as many ready-to-use profiles which should be downloaded and placed in the directory **/Locus/router/profiles2**. 
   * **GraphHopper**  - BETA version of an offline version of the routing engine. This option is displayed when a special add-on is installed. More information [[|here >>]]   * **GraphHopper**  - BETA version of an offline version of the routing engine. This option is displayed when a special add-on is installed. More information [[|here >>]]
-==== Link with presets ==== +===== Link with presets ===== 
-FIXME RECONSTRUCTION FIXME +Linking with the app **[[manual:user_guide:settings:presets|presets]]** enables **fast re-setting of the whole app after the navigation start** so that its preferences are **better suitable for navigation**. E.g. cursor is shifted, map rotation is on, the screen is turned permanently on etc. Three most used navigation profiles can be linked - walking, biking and motor vehicle:\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset04.gif?nolink |}} 
- +===== Select voice =====
-==== Select voice ====+
   * **No voice**  - voice commands are disabled   * **No voice**  - voice commands are disabled
-  * **Text-to-speech**  - Android text-to-speech automatic system. +  * **Text-to-speech**  - Android text-to-speech automatic system. TTS voice can be set in **[[manual:user_guide:settings:lang_units|Language&Units]]** settings section.
 <WRAP center round tip> <WRAP center round tip>
-It is possible to download other voice sets from the [[:manual:user_guide:locus_store|Locus Store]] or from [[|Locus community]]. Voice is set in **[[manual:user_guide:settings:lang_units|Language&Units]]** settings section.+It is possible to download other voice sets from [[:manual:user_guide:locus_store|Locus Store > Features]].
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-==== Route re-calculation ==== +===== Route re-calculation ===== 
-=== AUTOMATIC ===+==== AUTOMATIC ====
-<wrap info>This option is available to Locus Map Pro users only.</wrap> 
 {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset02.png?nolink |}} {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset02.png?nolink |}}
 Navigation route is recalculated automatically if the deviation from the former route is greater than the parameter **distance for recalculation**. If you don't follow the recalculated route, Locus Map will recalculate it **once again after 30 seconds**. You will need **internet connection** in case an **online routing service** is selected (e.g. GraphHopper Online or YOURS). For **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:point-to-point#offline_navigation|offline routing]]** it is necessary to additionally download and install **BRouter** co-app and download **offline routing data**. There are 3 options: Navigation route is recalculated automatically if the deviation from the former route is greater than the parameter **distance for recalculation**. If you don't follow the recalculated route, Locus Map will recalculate it **once again after 30 seconds**. You will need **internet connection** in case an **online routing service** is selected (e.g. GraphHopper Online or YOURS). For **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:point-to-point#offline_navigation|offline routing]]** it is necessary to additionally download and install **BRouter** co-app and download **offline routing data**. There are 3 options:
Line 57: Line 58:
   * **Route priority**  - used when you deviate from the original line and want to get back to it - Locus navigates you to the original line as soon as possible and on the nearest place - the line (route) matters.   * **Route priority**  - used when you deviate from the original line and want to get back to it - Locus navigates you to the original line as soon as possible and on the nearest place - the line (route) matters.
-=== MANUAL ===+==== MANUAL ====
 Settings for manual recalculation that can be triggered from **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation#control_menu|navigation panel]]**. Settings for manual recalculation that can be triggered from **[[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation#control_menu|navigation panel]]**.
-==== Out of route notification ====+===== Out of route notification =====
 Check this option if you want Locus Map to warn you when you **accidentally leave your route**. Set the alert **distance**, alert **repetition** and **type of sound** (beep, voice…):\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset03.png?nolink |}} Check this option if you want Locus Map to warn you when you **accidentally leave your route**. Set the alert **distance**, alert **repetition** and **type of sound** (beep, voice…):\\ {{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset03.png?nolink |}}
 +===== Line style =====
 +{{ :manual:user_guide:functions:navigation:naviset05.png?nolink |}}
 +  * **Basic** - in default settings, the line width and color it is optimized for the best visibility. Anyway, it is possible to change them.
 +  * **Custom** - you can set all parameters of the line style Locus Map offers in its **[[manual:user_guide:tracks:management#style_editor|line style editor]]**
 +  * **Keep original** - when you navigate an already existing route (imported, planned, recorded track...) and you want to maintain its line style during navigation, select this option.
 +===== Advanced settings =====
 +==== Strict route following ====
 +Each route consists of a chain of routepoints (sort of breadcrumbs). This option navigates strictly from one routepoint to another. When you make a deviation, it tries to get you to the last omitted routepoint.\\ <WRAP important round>Keep in mind that this feature may come into conflict with your intentions e.g. when making unwanted detour and part of the original route is not accessible - it will keep navigating you to the first missed routepoint. If you want to skip a routepoint, switch it manually to the next **nearest point** in the [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation#navigation_control_menu|Navigation control menu]]. \\ \\ **This feature does not work when Auto-recalculation with Point priority is ON**.</WRAP>
 +==== Maximum allowed deviation ====
-==== Advanced settings ====+Sets maximum allowed deviation from the route before switching navigation to guidance 
 +==== Snap to route ====
-  * **Strict route following**  - each route consists of a chain of routepoints (sort of breadcrumbs). This option navigates strictly from one routepoint to another. When you make a deviation, it tries to get you to the last omitted routepoint.\\ <WRAP important round>Keep in mind that this feature may come into conflict with your intentions e.g. when making unwanted detour and part of the original route is not accessible - it will keep navigating you to the first missed routepoint. If you want to skip a routepoint, switch it manually to the next **nearest point** in the [[manual:user_guide:functions:navigation#navigation_control_menu|Navigation control menu]]. \\ \\ **This feature does not work when Auto-recalculation with Point priority is ON**.</WRAP> +Ignores slight inaccuracies of GPS positioning and maintains the navigation cursor position on the navigated route 
-  * **Maximum allowed deviation**  - sets maximum allowed deviation from the route before switching navigation to guidance +==== Frequency of commands ====
-  * **Snap to route** - ignores slight inaccuracies of GPS positioning and maintains the navigation cursor position on the navigated route +
-  * **Frequency of commands**  - manually drawn or imported routes do not contain navigation commands so when you select navigation along such a route, Locus has to generate the navigation commands according to the shape of the line. This setting defines how often you are prompted of direction changes on the route: none - low - medium - high. +
-  * **Two commands at once**  - when two turns of a route follow closely, Locus Map notifies of both of them at once. Unchecking divides the navigation command into two separate ones. +
-  * **Stop navigation at route finish** - when checked, the navigation is stopped and navigation panel removed when you get to the finish of your route  +
-  * **Navigation cursors** - here you can select set of navigation cursors and set their size (50%-400%) +
-===== Style on Map =====+
-==== Route color ====+Manually drawn or imported routes do not contain navigation commands so when you select navigation along such a route, Locus has to generate the navigation commands according to the shape of the line. This setting defines how often you are prompted of direction changes on the route: none - low - medium - high. 
 +==== Two commands at once ====
-Sets the color of navigation line.+When two turns of a route follow closely, Locus Map notifies of both of them at once. Unchecking divides the navigation command into two separate ones. 
 +==== Stop navigation at route finish ====
-==== Route width ====+When checked, the navigation is stopped and navigation panel removed when you get to the finish of your route  
 +==== Navigation cursors ====
-Defines width of the route line in pixels.+Here you can select set of navigation cursors and set their size (50%-400%)
manual/user_guide/functions/navigation/settings.1570803673.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/11 16:21 (external edit)