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manual:user_guide:locus_store:locoins [2016/02/26 14:37] mstupkamanual:user_guide:locus_store:locoins [2016/09/20 14:46] – [LoCoins - Our Virtual Currency] mstupka
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_locoin_alt.png?nolink|}}====== LoCoins - Our Virtual Currency ======+{{ :manual:user_guide:ic_locoin_alt.png?nolink|}} 
 +====== LoCoins - Our Virtual Currency ======
 ---- ----
-All purchases made in Locus Store are paid in {{:manual:user_guide:ic_locoin_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **LoCoins** (LC). That is because some payments are so tiny that in EUR or USD they would be out of payment terms of Google Play Store and each item would require individual in-app billing entry maintenance which would be very time-consuming and bureaucracy-frustrating. LoCoin exchange rate oscillates around 1 EUR (+ VAT for EU countries) = 100 LC.+All purchases made in Locus Store are paid in {{:manual:user_guide:ic_locoin_alt.png?nolink&30|}} **LoCoins** (LC). That is because some payments are so tiny that in EUR or USD they would be out of payment terms of Google Play Store or Amazon and each item would require individual in-app billing entry maintenance which would be very time-consuming and bureaucracy-frustrating. LoCoin exchange rate oscillates around 1 EUR (+ VAT for EU countries) = 100 LC.
 ===== LoCoins Purchase ===== ===== LoCoins Purchase =====
   * LoCoins can be purchased in the <wrap box>User Profile > Purchase LoCoins</wrap>. The purchase is provided by **Google Play Store** and the only payment method is **credit/debit card**.   * LoCoins can be purchased in the <wrap box>User Profile > Purchase LoCoins</wrap>. The purchase is provided by **Google Play Store** and the only payment method is **credit/debit card**.
manual/user_guide/locus_store/locoins.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/07 14:44 by mstupka